The Company Store Can't Keep My Soul Forever

Oct 25, 2011 19:31

It's not a Jubilee year, but publicizing this existing program (key - it already exists, so Our Dysfunctional Congress can't mess this up) and also lowering the qualifying requirements, the size of the payments, and reducing the length of time until debt forgiveness is a damn good start.  I'm gonna start looking into the paperwork tomorrow and start my clock - the idea that in twenty years I won't be dogged by my debt is actually a bright spot of hope on my horizon.  That's how out of control the loans for a graduate education have gotten.  I'm going to be able to accept employment without having to ask "Is this salary/wage high enough that I can cover even the interest on my loans?"

Or better yet, maybe I won't be turned down from a job because of a bad credit score.  FedLoan Servicing (yes, I'm naming names - SAS has been a much more responsible steward of my debt) cannot seem to process my paperwork even when I send it certified mail. They're threatening to throw the two loans that they acquired AFTER I obtained my deferment (and ten months after I received my last financial aid check, so they're selling debt again - did these guys learn nothing from the whole Credit Default Swap/AIG meltdown?) into collections.  Seriously: if you have it on record that my existing five loans are in deferment due to disability, why are you sending me late payment notice on two more loans that I won't be able to pay due to that same disability?  And no matter how many customer reps I talk to who assure me that the loans are now all bundled and deferred together, I'm still getting threatening letters every week.  As I snarled at the last bloodhound they sent after me: "No, I'm not satisfied with the quality of your customer service, and once I find a bank that will buy loans already in deferment, I am pulling ALL of my loans out of your bank as fast as I can."

At least I won't be harboring secret dreams of a Weimar Republic-style case of hyperinflation that would allow me to pay off my loans for the equivalent price of a loaf of bread.  (Yeah, I feel guilty about that one.  But I have a LOT of debt and for some reason, teaching isn't a recession-proof job.)  Who knows how the evil credit score people are going to value it in, but I can't tell you how relieved I am to know that, one day, even though the breakdown in my mid-twenties derailed my life plans entirely, my student loans will one day disappear.  Sure, I'll be forty-eight, but isn't fifty the new thirty or something?
This entry was originally posted at because DW is where I set up crossposting first and I'm lazy. Feel free to comment wherever you prefer. This post has
comments on DW.

real life, si obama puede

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