Fic: Hellmouth High Schools Don't Have Reunions (14/20)

Jan 23, 2009 11:15

Title: Hellmouth High Schools Don't Have Reunions (14/20)
Author: MoragMacPherson
Rating: PG to PG-13
Timeline: School Reunion for DW. Between Homecoming and Band Candy for BtVS
Disclaimer: If it's a character or a place, I don't own it.
Archive: Here, TtH, Teaspoon, the pit, I think. If you'd like it, let me know.
Author's Note: Response to challenge 3108 by Winterd at Twisting the Hellmouth. Un-beta'd. Oooh, and it also got recced on Calufrax, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Summary: What if "School Reunion" took place at Sunnydale High?

School Days Insane

As they moved through the school, unimpeded by hall monitors or counselors or teachers with free periods, Cordelia and Xander looked into the classrooms they passed by. The distinct lack of faculty presence continued, while all of the students typed furiously. "When did every class turn into a computer lab? And where did the rest of the teachers go?" Cordelia ducked back down.

"Don't know. Must be part of the terrible plot." Xander pulled her along, and they arrived at the principal's office.

“Hello?” The word echoed through the empty administrative office. Cordelia moved stiffly forward. “Mrs. Stinson?”

“‘Mrs. Stinson?’” mouthed Xander.

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “She’s the main secretary, she got me an exception to get a parking pass sophomore year after I 'found' her new Tiffany bracelet.” Cordelia moved around the desk. “No one here.”

Xander drummed his fingers on the counter. “This is bad. This is very bad.” He eyed Principal Snyder’s door. “Do we go in?”

“Just a second.” Cordelia ran her finger along the desk calendar. “Looks like all the teachers got called to a special staff meeting this morning. Room 237.” She stood, staring at the door with Xander. Taking a deep breath, she grabbed his hand. “Let’s do this.”

“Right.” They moved forward, and Xander rapped once on the door, to no response. Sharing a glance with Cordy, he tried the handle, and the door swung open with a creak.

“His closet’s shaking,” pointed out Cordelia.

Xander nodded. “Yeah, I can see that.”

Cordelia looked back at the empty office. “If he’s tied up, can we just leave him there?”

“It’s a thought.” A muffled shout came out of the closet. “Right. He knows we’re here , we should let him out if we ever want to graduate.” Xander pulled the handle, and there he found Giles and Snyder tied together, black bags over their heads. Xander pulled the bag off Giles’ head, and the glare subsided as he removed the gag . “Whoa, Giles, good to see you, how long have you been locked up?”

“More than a week, Xander, possibly two!” Giles spat the words out.

“And how long have you had this company?” Cordelia showed a distinct reluctance to approach Snyder whose muffled screams of “Let me out!” were increasing in frequency.

“The last two days. I assume the latest diabolical plans have swung into full gear?”

“I don’t think you’re wrong.” Xander found a letter opener on Snyder’s desk and began picking at the knots. Cordelia shut the door and took a look-out position, while Snyder’s fury continued.

“Oh will you shut up or else I will knock you out again!” Giles shouted, and Snyder simmered down some. “Do you know what we're facing?”

A small grin crept across Xander’s face. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. The Doctor said they’re called Krillitanes.”

Confused, Giles asked, “Krillitanes? And who is this ‘Doctor’?”

“Really cute alien guy. They’re off fighting the bat aliens with Buffy now.” Cordelia smiled. Snyder snorted, and Giles tilted his head.

“See, told you that you wouldn’t believe us.” Xander finished with the knots and the ropes fell free from the two men. Snyder ripped the bad off his head and the gag out of his mouth as Giles rose unsteadily to his feet.

“You’re telling me that bat aliens have taken over my school, Harris?” The venom in Snyder’s voice made Xander want to take a step back.

“That’s right. And you hired them.” Cordelia stood between the principal and her boyfriend. “I can just imagine how much fun the PTA and the school board will have with this one. I know that my father’s going to be concerned.”

Snyder’s eyes shifted across the room, and he ran to his chair, pulling the phone off its cradle. “You’re insane. All of you. Ranting about bat aliens.” He dialed a number, but the line was dead. Thwarted, he replaced it.

“And you’d like to give us an alternative reason for why you and Giles were tied up together in the closet?” Xander pointed to the ropes, and Snyder blanched.

“Was it really necessary to go there?” moaned Giles.

Cordelia rolled her eyes, and leaned onto the desk. “Principal Snyder, if I were you, I would try to minimize the damage. Find your employees. All of your staff is missing, along with most of the teachers. Gonna be hard to control the student body without them.” She leaned further in. "I suggest you start with room 237." Snyder leaned away from her in his chair and finally gave her a curt nod.

Xander pulled her back, as Giles looked at her with newfound respect. “And on that note, we’re gonna go.” Xander motioned to Giles, and they headed out.

Cordelia smiled broadly. “Good luck with all this. We won’t mention the bondage if you won’t.”

Out of Snyder’s office, Giles pinched the bridge of his nose. “Are the faculty all really missing? Where’s Buffy?”

Xander began walking toward the math wing. “Yes, and off finding the big bad. We should meet up with Willow first. So what happened to you?”

“Oh, the traditional application of blunt object to the back of my head, woke up in the closet. Never got a good look at them.” Giles popped his neck. “Aliens, you say?”

“Yeah, the latest twist in Hellmouth villains. And also in good guys, you’ll like the Doctor.”

“A little less so with the bottle blonde,” muttered Cordelia.

“Her name’s Rose, Cordy,” snapped Xander. “She’s human, but she’s been very nice and helpful.” The last part of the remark was directed at Cordelia, who only glared at Xander in return.

“Ah, I see.” Giles wiggled his toes in his shoes, letting circulation return and wishing that he had his glasses. He came to a halt outside a computer lab door. “Xander, I’m rather afraid that I’ve taken a worse knock than usual.”

Xander stood next to him. “Oh, yeah. Forgot to mention that. The leader-guy took your form.”

“That’s why it took us so long to notice you were missing.” Cordelia shrugged. “Sorry about that.”

Giles watched his form through the window. “Quite all right.”


fic, drwho, response, buffy, xover, hellmouth high

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