Feb 07, 2005 23:21
Well, long time no real update so here goes....
With recent events I've been living with the Donhams to rebuild myself and make nice. So far I've obtained a 2000 Saturn LS, a steady job, steady bank accounts, and am finally all prepared for moving out on my own with Emma and going to Ohio State University Newark.
The best news of my life I have not put up on my livejournal yet like Emma did, but I'm working on it. As of December 25th, 2004, Emma and I are Engaged. I asked her in front of the warm fire in her living room after a great day with her family and with eachother. Asking her parents permission was kind of a funny story as well. I ended up asking them on the way back from the emergency room because Kathy had put styrophome (sp?) in her eye and it swelled up. That was interesting...
In March, Emma and I will be getting an apartment in Newark and attending OSUN while working and providing for ourself. I hope this goes wonderfully because I believe that it will determine whether or not we will survive as a married couple. (I have no worries but it is a good thing to live together on our own before we get married :P) I should be able to get a job at White Castle again, that would be cool because I wouldn't have to worry about food for at least one of us, hehe.
I think that covers most of what I've been doing; work, sleep, guitar, fiancee, eating, video games; yup, that's it. I did get a couple of systems, Nintendo Gamecube and the Gameboy Advance SP. Games for them:
Nintendo Gamecube
Resident Evil 4
NHL Hitz 2002
NFL Blitz 2003
Quidditch World Cup
Big Motha Truckers
Ghost Recon
Medal of Honor: Frontline Assault
Final Fantasy: Chrystal Chronicles
Gameboy Advance SP
Super Mario Brothers 3
Zelda: A Link to the Past
Dragonball Z
Ok, I can't really think of anything more, I will talk to all of you guys later. Take care of yourselves and drop me a line!