Sep 24, 2010 22:58
My husband has finally found a job! It is such a relief, he was unemployed for almost a year. I started working from home in translations. It doesn't pay much, but it's an income. When I finish the web design course I'll be able to combine them both, and hopefully earn more. We still have one more week of holidays and then, the blessed routine. I don't care if you laugh, but for me, routine is more a vacation than vacation. It means several hours a day when I can stop caring about anyone else and start doing things for myself. I've been neglecting myself for almost a year now, with both the financial situation and all the stress with finding Tommy a kindergarten and moving Maayan to a gifted children's class. At least now I can start planning some future ahead, not only for my family but for myself as well. I plan to buy a new computer when I get my first salary. This way I won't have to wait for my daughter to evacuate her room to do my job, or practice web design. I'll have a little "office" in the security room and have my privacy at last.
It's time for things to change for the better.