Mar 26, 2012 16:38

I have always wanted a Soom GS Monzo and I was lucky enough
to have re-homed one. I named him Silas after a character from a
Dan Brown novel. I missed him so much 'coz I got too busy and
he's a bit troublesome to bring along at meets (he's so massive).
He would always stare at me everytime I open my closet, like he's
begging me to spend time with him but in a non demanding way.
So I devoted my Sunday with him (and Khalil).

Khalil was brought home so that Silas would have a companion
who's like him...."not human" in appearance. I got afraid of
Khalil, I thought he won't bond with me. To be honest I thought
of re-homing him. But he's so beautiful so I made my mind! I will
be keeping him!

No they are not a couple....I just suck at posing LOL!!!
(I need to learn to set up)

His wings are huge!One of them drop on my foot, the claw of
the wing hit my foot...I think he got ticked off with the weird
poses I made him do.

Manly beauty, Khalil!

I love that he Silas has a piercing gaze LOL. Smize dear gargoyle

<333 what succulent lips you have...

Thanks for viewing!!!!!

soom monzo bjd, khalil soom sard

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