I finally got fed up enough with the awful drivers near our apartment to e-mail the Chapel Hill Traffic Authorities about it. I don't know if they'll do anything about it, but this was about all *I* could do, so I figured it was worth a shot. :(
I have a traffic concern I'd like to report, so hopefully *something* can be done about it.
At the intersection of Sage Rd. and Old Sterling Dr. in Chapel Hill.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Sage+Rd.+at+Old+Sterling+Dr.,+Chapel+Hill,+NC&sll=35.948585,-79.013822&sspn=0.012681,0.01575&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=A Heading north on Sage Rd., there are two lanes. At Old Sterling Dr., one is a right turn only lane. However, the single lane on the other side of the intersection begins at the full two-lane width before shrinking down to one lane. There are an insane number of people who blatantly ignore the signs and the road painting and go straight from that lane. Today I even witnessed two vehicles move into the left lane (after the first "right turn only" marking, so they should have known) to pass a bicycle, and then move back into the right lane before the intersection, only to go straight. This is really dangerous, as most people assume that from a right turn only lane, people will turn right. I have multiple times almost pulled out from Old Sterling Dr. to turn left onto Sage Rd. in front of one of these vehicles that goes straight. Obviously, that would result in a pretty nasty car crash--not fun.
I think either the right turn only lane needs to be more clear (perhaps striped lines across the other side of the intersection to help show that people shouldn't be driving there?) or the right turn only needs to be removed and a merge added across the intersection. Because as it is, as a right turn only *many* people don't follow, it is extremely dangerous.