(no subject)

Mar 25, 2004 19:12

Today was pretty cool, maybe a little dull.

Slept in till like 9:30 (yes that is late for me bar hangovers)

Got up, decided to go into town. Also decided to walk there and test out the ankle. It's 45 minutes, mostly downhill and a bit off the beaten track in one part too. Held up pretty well, I figure the more I use it the faster it will heal, and the faster I can go back to work. Actually starting to miss the place. the people, the ladeez (i'm sure they're missing me just as much).

That's the only thing that sort of gets me down about the injury now, I liked the work. I liked working till 9pm with a group of guys (ya dont say shit), with the radio going, sweating it out and collapsing when I got home. Also there are alot of fit birds there. Physically demanding work was fun. Especially on those odd nights when everyone just went as hard as possible to see who could be struggling for breath the most when we finished. There's nothing like throwing 25kg sacks of rice like it's nothing. I think I have lost alot of strength in my arms too. I used to have quite noticable veins all the way up to my biceps, now it just looks a bit dead.

Starting to wonder about uni. I'm doing law, and to get into 2nd year law you need an A- average across all your papers. I'm pretty confident about law itself (based on the fact that the people in my tutorial who at first seemed smart really don't seem to be able to figure out the NZ legal system from the hole in their arse)

But my other marks will probably drag me down. It's fair to say i am struggling in physics, and I will not take another physics paper ever. History, well, I'm good at essay writing, but I'm lazy. and bird watching is much more fun. I REALLY enjoy law, and I think this could be something I could enjoy in the future too.

Once I am back and able to be physically active I think I will join some clubs. Tennis, squash, cricket, Tramping, skiing. All the shit that isn't so easily available at high school but all of which I have done before to a decent extent.

yeah anyway I went into town and ordered 3 CD's. Neutral Milk Hotel - in an aeroplane over the sea, The Notwist - Shrink, and Iron & Wine - our endlessn numbered days. I also picked up Pavement - crooked rain crooked rain and Pixies - Complete B-sides.

I like crooked rain crooked rain more than Slanted and enchanted. I think it has some more pop tracks like "cut your hair".

The saddest thing is I am dying to go running. The weather recently has been really good and everynight I think "man I could have gone for a run tonight". Fucking gay as hell man. I'm gonna work my arse off to get back into peak shape once I am fully fit. Walk to uni every day, walk back, go running. Maybe even join the uni gym, though it does look a bit decrepid.

going to the cricket tomorrow. ben just called me, asked if he could bowl round tomorrow and pick up the deck chairs, left them by the front door. Want to go to my morning lectures first, and need to go into work briefly. Will be there by 11:30, enough time to get absolutely bladdered. the guys are going early to secure good viewing space. ie: top of the enbankment underneath the shade of a tree.

They are also going to pick up a 2nd hand AM radio from cash converters. Awesome. now we can listen to the commentary and watch the game. This is most excellent.

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