A really trivial question. I've been thinking about this, because I've been taking Bobbin Hood as a show far too seriously of late. So, answers on a postcard, please! References particularly to Episode 3-10
Now, we all know that the answer lies with a marauding menage of monkeys who didn't know their arses from their elbows but were under the delusion nevertheless that they were Writers. We know that the Continuity Bod was either on holiday or in a drunken stupor for the duration of Series 3. We know that the Casting People wanted a Young Actor who looked sufficiently like RA to make it remotely believable ... but -
Why does Adult Guy, although brought up in Nottinghamshire, sound like he comes from South Yorkshire? OK, his mum speaks with a cod French accent (ok, I'll give them that - she IS supposed to be French) but his dad, adult Izzy and most crucially, Emoteenguy himself, all speak with Received Pronunciation?
Did Vasey send him for elocution lessons so that he'd sound well 'ard? Or did he pick up with some floozy who wanted a bit of rough and decide that he'd stick with the accent in the hopes of attracting more floozies? Did he receive a massive blow to the head, lose consciousness for several days and then wake up SOUNDING LIKE SOMEONE ELSE ENTIRELY?
Don't get me wrong, I love Guy's accent and think it suits him perfectly. It probably fitted in really well with the back story that RA had concocted for him way back in the heady days before Series 1 even aired. I just thought it might be fun, with all the creative minds around here (who, let's face it, could have made a far better job of things than the shower PAID to do so) could come up with some interesting theories as to why he went away from Locksley a southerner and came back sounding like Sean Bean's brother.