all is not as it seems - massive spoilers

Jun 27, 2009 08:57

OK, I succumbed and watched THAT scene on YT. I couldn't do it last night, 'cos I wanted to sleep, but viewed this morning with the sun shining and birds tweeting to take the edge off.

IT WAS MUCH BETTER THAN WE HAD BEEN LED TO BELIEVE!!! I've only watched Guy's final moments, none of what went before and certainly not the Bobbin death, but I thought that I was watching a different death scene from the one that had been described.

He had Bobbin and Archer with him and THEY CARED!!!! I even got the feeling that he and Bobbin had made a mutual peace - it certainly seemed a two-way thing to me, with Guy admitting that Marian's heart had always belonged to Bobbin, and Bobbin calling him his friend without any trace of sarcasm or irony. I even liked Bobbin.

I think that Guy died a proud man and the whole having no-one waiting for him only applied to the Bobbin-Marian thing - I don't believe that Guy thought at the end that he was going to a lonely, isolated Hell. He said that he was free, and I was happy for him that he had escaped the torment and bleakness that had plagued him all his adult life, although I was snotting buckets that he'd actually died.

The blogger actually did me a favour - I'd expected it to be far worse. I'm devastated that Guy's gone, but I think the writer did the best by him that he could - he was fighting on the right side and gained some measure of peace at the end.

I really hope that Izzy dies a horrible death, but have a sneaking suspicion that she'll turn up again like the proverbial bad penny. I still don't like the whole business of her stabbing Guy in the back and I think there should have been a bit more from Vasey about running through the man he used to have a twisted father/son relationship with, but I suppose we can't have everything.

I'll watch the whole thing, possibly tonight or tomorrow, certainly when I'm on my own, though. Then I'll probably have a rant on Monday, but at the moment, I'm as ok with it as the loss of a loved character (no, not just any character - it's Guy!!) can leave me.

Oh sod it - who am I trying to kid? They killed Guy! THEY KILLED GUY!!! Off to sob...

guy of gisborne, robin hood, the end, richard armitage, spoilers, series 3

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