Yesterday was a weird one with the surgery and whatnot, but it all went as well as could be expected. It's always a trip to see blood and bone chips flying over face and thinking, "haha, this is crazy, I don't feel a thing!" But I have the look on my face that someone in my position should have on their face.
The Tease release BMP 009 tonight in Kalamazoo at the Kraftbrau (18+, $5). I'm leaving at 7:45pm ET, most likely (idealy) with a crew of some sort. People manuever in and out of this crew though, so if you're interested in going down (Hell or Highwater and the Van Ermans are playing as well), just try to call me prior to 7:45pm ET.
So I guess Erin is trying to sell me? This is the fastest I have ever been turned over. Check the Ebay auction ( ) if you think that my services are worth a cool grand and have that amount laying around...I'm not sure if I'm ready to be sold yet though...:(
A Lot of Stuff About the Playback:
So after staying up an entire night, losing massive amounts of blood during and after surgery, not eating anything but pills for about 18 hours, and overexerting myself a bit considering all of the above, I managed to catch the Playback's set at Mac's. I rambled the above to Josh and Justin afterwards:
Your last two shows have really shown you guys coming together and coming off as a comfortable, cohesive band. It's like the questions I posed in my review of your demo are being answered and I'm pleased with the results...I guess that would be another way to put it? I also said something to the effect of: I'm enjoying the music because it's all tense, paranoid and prone to outbursts -- not unlike a child coming to terms with the fact that he's going to be at the juvenile detention center for another 6 months because he beat up Jimmy for his candy bar...and the realization is that 6 months is a long time for the several seconds of satisfaction that the candy bar delivered. Then again, my little musical rants tend to not make much sense to anyone but me, which is okay, I guess, so long as they're still fun to read. At any rate, the point being is that over the past year, you guys have ascended from being "a Lansing band...pretty cool guys" to being one of my two current favorite bands from Lansing (the other one being the little known, seldom-played out Thrashin' in the Streets who pretty much only play thrash punk straight out of 1988 and only sing about skating and zombies). Unfortunately, achieving the act of being "good" is like 10% of the battle. Good luck on all of the other facets of band-dom.
I just liked the way that sounded and I meant every word.