somewhat entertaining

Dec 27, 2004 22:43

i'm at ali's and we wakled to moe's in sunniland all the way from 118th street and 70th! lol. and then we went to drunkin doughnuts and bought 1/2 dozen doughnuts for 4 bucks.. but then .. the lady gave us another 1/2 dozen for free!! we kick so much ass.. so we walked out with 12 fucking doughnuts. we knew that we had way to much so we took the 52 to dadeland.. and then walked to border's... and THEN we walked to kevin's. lol. saw ramiro, luis, jeff, lonnie.. and i dunno. then we walked to border's. so now we're at ali's. i think we're taking the bus to zach's in the morning.
fill this out-
erase my answers... fill out yours.. send it to people!! =)

1. What time is it? 10:25 pm

2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Connie Julia de Salazar

3. Nicknames: coco, oc' oc', coke, cocaine, coco j, eko julya,

4. Piercings: plugs, second hole... more to come XD
5. Eyecolor: brown

6. Place of birth: Miami FL

7. Favorite food: doughnuts (just had a dozen w/ ali and alex. we got 1/2 dozen for free!!)

8. Ever been to Africa? nah.
9. Ever been toilet papering? maybe..

10. Love someone so much it made you cry? yeah... i'm that pathetic.

11. Been in a car accident? once.
12. Croutons or bacon bits? none. i'm a vegetarian and croutons taste processed..

13. Favorite day of the week: friday

14. Favorite restaurant: moe's!!!

15. Favorite flower: lavendar.

16. Favorite sport to watch: rock climbing god damnit!
17. Favorite drink: parrot bay... beer.

18. Favorite ice cream: shit.. like choco., vanilla, mint, r.r... all of them. i'm a fatfuck. oooh and tofuti!!!

19. Disney or Warner Bros.? either/or

20. Favorite fast food restaurant: taco bell

21. What color is your bedroom carpet? wood floors
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? haven't taken it.
23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last email?jam
24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? wtf?! i don't even have a credit card.. plus i don't like to shop.
25. What you do most often when you are bored: comp
26. Bedtime: whenever i can sleep.

27.Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest:any1 i email it to

28.Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to
respond? any1 i email it to

29. FavoriteTV shows: shoot your tv. now.
30. Last person you went out to dinner with:ali and alex!

31. Ford or Chevy? shit. iuno.

32. What are you listening to right now? mustard plug-throw a bomb
33. What is your favorite color? purple/lime green
34. Lake, ocean or river? ocean. YOU can drown easier.

35. How many tattoos do you have? none now
36. Time you finished this e-mail? 10:34
37. Have you ever run out of gas? nope

38. favorite holiday: your birthday

39. Favourite Christmas Present: camera.

PLUS.. you should check out my myspace page. if your a member, send me a friend request:
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