Aug 05, 2005 02:08
i got a ticket the other day for speeding, and i'm just now getting around to pay it. i've never paid on one the way i'm doing this one so i ended up messing up the money order and i'm not gonna buy a whole new one so i sent it in anyway and just hope they take it. then as i was driving home from the store at midnight, my truck ran out of gas and left me stranded. they say you should know whether or not you have enough gas by the gauge and therefore should never run out, but it's really hard to tell with this one, ever since i changed the fuel pump, it seems to use lots of gas. especially when it's parked!!! luckally, somebody in a red ford pickup picked me up and drove me to the only gas station in town that was open at that hour and i got me about a gallon and that got me back home. i just hope it's enough to get back to work in the morning....