Oct 03, 2004 22:44
It was a pretty good weekend this time around. It all started Friday, which was a fun day! Gaby, Casey, Sandra, Hyejin and I were all in French Braids done by the wonderfully skilled Ms Hyejin Rhee!! Woo it was awesome! Of course I had mine for band lol. Pep rally was soooo pointless we hardly played anything and it was so friggin hot. But it's all good.
Just before inspection started the band directors called us all into the band room because they had to 'talk' to us...err we got a huge lecture on how we've been so undisciplined and lax this year as a band and how that needs to change if we're going to get Superiors at FBA like we have every year in the past. Made me feel really bad because they also pointed out how the Leadership haven't been working as hard as they should... -_- Newayz...the game made up for it :-D
The game was WAY hott, it was the most fun I've had so far at a football game. Ariel, Lindsey and I were going crazy dancing lol good times. WE WON OUR HOMECOMING! 20-10 now we're 4-0 yay :D During the half time we were standing on the field and there was a big fireworks display...idk what kinda cheap fireworks SHS uses but a crapload of smoke and flying firework parts engulfed the field and everyone on the field (ahem band and dazzlers) I got something smoking in my EYE AAAH! Sum ppl got a little burned by flying objects and we were all choking from the smoke...it was kind of funny afterwards lol. I also almost had a serious accident on the stairs cause I didn't have my glasses on and I couldn't see the steps going down the stands. OOps.
Saturday I went to the doctor and he said my eye isn't completely healed but I can wear contacts if I want...and I did lol. I don't think I should but my eyes will live...I hope. Then around 5 I mosy-ed over to Sandra's house for her bday party! HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN TO SANDRA ON THE 2ND! The party was a lot of fun, we made up a stellar dance to 'I like that' combining SALSA (yes, i learned how to salsa! doesn't mean i'm good at it tho lol -_-') and ghetto dancing! lol it IS possible! I say we do our dance at IB banquet lol. Besides dancing like crazy we ate cake, opened presents (usual bday shtuff!) and chilled out :D aw but Gaby, BG and Yefim and some other people weren't there :-\
Sunday was a bad ending to my weekend though...HOMEWORK. NINE WEEKS REVIEW. eeugghh. I am so screwed for everything. I went driving for an hour though, that was exciting lol.
Hope everyone had a good weekend :D Time for some shut-eye zzzz
see y'all monday!