Freaking long blog, skip to the end if you even bother! hahahaha

Apr 02, 2010 08:27

Been really really sick recently and had to rest like 2 days although I was back in office albeit for a short while on both days -_-"

I think its me body telling me to slow down!

I have been really unhappy for a long while. Partially due to the sudden realisation that I am turning 30 and I have not really gotten something for meself yet.

SO! I did put in effort although I still do not think I am there yet. Considering that I am in a corporate environment where everyone is thinking of that they will do on their third step while taking their first step, I think I am rather err lazy..;p

That said I wanted to change me job. A colleague suddenly said, "hey! you always sound so negative on ur fb updates man, whats up?? " That jolted me a lil and let me realise if I should really move on and be happy or stay to push myself to the max which I know I am capable of. Escapism in me is calling and I am resisting it.

Peeps whom know me in real life knows my laughter rings out like nothing and I am usually smiling or monkeying around. Yes, I look super dao when I am out in a crowd or as one of my mates in the gym said, " you look like u will whack anyone who talks to you" I mean, I can't just smile at everyone right?? And NO.. I am not dao.. just err selective until you give me vodka :)

Plus the fact is.. I am shy:p YES I AM OK?

The point is that, peeps whom know me knows I am not super negative. And I always love to crack jokes and be a bloody bitch and laugh a lot a lot a lot, hence its really weird to have someone tell me that I sound really negative. I think everything falls into a vicious cycle. I need to get one aspect fixed to get the other side moving. So.. God Bless me, with HIS strength I know miracles can happen. And the best thing is? I dun even actually need a miracle, just hard work. Being negative and not moving will not help.

AND if you are still reading this bloody friggin long blog, have you ever just like you know, in a situation like buying coffee or like coming out of the lift texting and then suddenly see this person and u go like WOH or like asking for directions in a barber shop and then suddenly took a step back when you see some cutie at the barber's chair.. or etc etc.. You know what I mean?
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