(no subject)

Feb 19, 2009 17:19

Again.. have not been posting.

I am jus so stressed out at work that frankly I also dunno what to do.

Trying my best not to friggin whine as hello?? I still have a job. I should be bloody happy.

Been having doubts as to whether should I change profession. Seriously, I am happy with being a salesperson. I get to meet people, talk to people, have conversations with weird people etc etc. Its quite the fun job to do. But I am suffering from career burn out.. arggh

And my boss!!!!

She is driving me nutty nuttella! She is sorta preggers and nearing her due date and her hormone levels are somewhat like the Dow Jones. Although frankly sometimes, I think I deserve being scolded.

On another matter... my subscription with True Fitness is coming to an end soon and I will be saying bye bye to the gym I am with for the past 5 years. So much has changed and I dun feel that friendly feeling I used to have whenever I step into the branch anymore. I remembered the lil cafe at the corner, the owners at various stages, the front desk staff and the sale staff. Its just all so different now. It just feel so utilitarian now. I am super gonna miss the mates at my body pump and steps class and the instructor, Uncle Rhomeiny!!

So its Fitness First from now and from my experiences for the last few months, I think I am gonna enjoy my stint there. Gotta make new friends at the classes fast!! :)

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