If you can read this, be thankful!

May 17, 2009 21:47

Hey everyone. My Uncle Mickey died on 5-5-09. Well, I should say he was pulled off life support. He had an ear infection which lead to bacterial meningitis. When he went into the hospital, he had MRSA. He leaves behind a wife, a 5 year old girl (well, she's almost 6), a 4 year old girl with autism, and a 4 month old boy. Mickey was born on May 25, two weeks after his dad died. Now, his son will never know him. And his funeral was the day before Mother's Day. He was only 29.

My family and him weren't on speaking terms when he died.

And on 5-8-2009, our cow Anna died. Seriously, this is enough death for a while God.

But if you are reading this, be thankful for the day you were given. Be thankful for your friends and family. If you have any problems with some one or something, there's no better day than today to fix it and make it right. I know there's only a few people that really read my LJ, not like I keep up with it enough, but I love you all!
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