"Ten Things I've Done That You Probably Haven't" Meme

Feb 23, 2005 14:09

Stolen from Pezzonovante
  1. Parapented (tandem) 2000 feet off of Mount Cook in New Zealand
  2. Taken a helicopter ride over lava tubes and then through the Valley of the Kings on the big island of Hawaii
  3. Flown a Cessna 121 while pursuing a private pilot's license (I never got past the third lesson)
  4. Landed the Cessna 121 in one piece on the third lesson.
  5. Been to Easter Island
  6. Celebrated my 16th birthday on 3 Hawaiian islands.
  7. Had your parents and brother go with you on your spring break, school organized trip to Spain.
  8. Taken a sunrise helicopter tour of Uluru (Ayer's Rock) in the Australian outback
  9. Fed a lamb milk from a bottle
  10. Hand fed and played with kangaroos and wallabies while in Australia
Wow, this brings back a lot of memories of fantastic trips!  I hope this didn't come off as bragging to anyone; I'm sorry if it did.
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