Dance Competition Results

Nov 21, 2005 15:34

Ok, got back yesterday from the dance competition. I did really well!

Ballet: 1st
Tap: 1st
Lyrical: 2nd
Jazz: 3rd

Ballet: 1st
Tap: 1st
Pantomime: 1st
Lyrical Improv: 1st
Vocal: 1st
Lyrical: Honorable Mention

I also won the High Score Award for Pantomime (mine was the highest scoring pantomime out of all the pantomime solos at the competition, in every age category) and tied for the High Score Award in Vocal. This means I'm invited it perform both in the regional competition in January to compete for $200. ALSO I won the Senior All-Around award, which comes with $100 (which basically just repaid the cost of the solos), and the four solos that scored the highest (which earned me that award) were Vocal, Pantomime, Lyrical Improv, and Lyrical. Yes lyrical, even though I only got Honorable Mention in the category. Which proves just how tough the category was. I am very proud of myself right now. I came home with 10 trophies, a ribbon, a walkman (for winning the all-around) and 100 dollars. I rock!

In not quite other news, that may have been my last competition. The girls at my studio are unbearable. Now the mothers are telling my mother that she's crazy and that all the mothers can't stand her and all the girls can't stand me. She wanted to pull me from the competition right there. I can't say I blame her. These girls need an attitude check (or an attitude bitch slap which I will be happy to administer). I am so sick of their immaturity. I don't wanna get into it because it's just too complicated, but I am so mad. I don't know what I would do if Danielle wasn't on the team. If I was completely alone like I was the first year, I would quit. Kristen and Jete are ok too. It's the others. But whatever, I'm not gonna get into it now, I don't feel like ranting.
The awards speak for themselves. The studio will be losing a great dancer if I leave, and it is entirely my team's fault. I do not normally sound like this, but I refuse to accept blame. I have done nothing to these girls except not give in to their immaturity and not kiss their asses. And you know what? I am damn proud of that. So if they don't like me for that, tough shit to them. I will not lower myself to them. No way. And if they can't accept that, fine. But one more incident and I am gone (that is if mom doesn't pull me first). But I definitely think I am done with tap. That's where this all started and I think it would be best if I just stopped doing the dance, and then they can be free to be ignorant and think they're cool and I don't have to be a part of it.

I'm done now.


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