Haha, now that I've typed that I'm thinking who would be who if I did a Heroes/Les Mis One Day More vid. Like I don't have enough to do. I'm currently working on a Twilight/West Side Story vid. Cause I'm silly like that.
ANYway. I am very very sad because contrary to what imdb says, it turns out this wonderful news that I've been sharing with everyone is ineed untrue.
Spoilers for the last two episodes. If you don't want to be completely spoiled, just go under the cut for spoilers from THIS episode only.
CLAUDE IS NOT COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY LIED TO US!!!!!!!!!!! WTF I CANNOT GO ON! I WANT MY CLAUDE BACK!!! I held on to hopes that we would see Micah show up in the finale with Claude, the two of them working together and being the key to everything. It makes no SENSE. ARGH!!!!!!!!
So. This episode.
I don't know what to feel about Sylar. His identity crisis was BO-ring. Listen little emo boy, go listen to Muse with Edward Cullen and taunt Harry Potter with your ability to carve words into your flesh without the need for a quill. Don't go crying to me because you don't know who you are. Ugh. No one understands me! Waaaaaah!! Expect some webcam sad photos on facebook.
So I'm watching knowing that something he does is going to make me like him. Mom told me so. And I'm watching. And I'm watching. Is it killing that guy? Nope. Is it whining like a little bitch? Nope. Is it coming face to face with Micah?
OMG MICAH!! And then. AND THEN. He saved Micah. He saved Micah because Micah knew how to manipulate him and play the "you're special" card. "You're the most specialist of us all!" But I don't care the reasoning behind it. Those bad bad men would kill an innocent little boy, and Sylar saved him. This does NOT negate his attack on Molly in season 1, Sylar has shown he doesn't spare kids. But now I don't want him to die a horribly painful death. It can be quick and to the point. See? I can be generous.
I thought the schizo Sylar, and Micah likening him to Niki, was a nice touch. But Sylar's "I am not your mother!!" kinda made me LOL.
Mom said there were two things that would make me like him. But I can't figure out what the second thing is. I don't really know what Micah was thinking when he tried to convince Sylar to be Nathan and be president. *shrug* We'll see what happens.
I thought Nathan was a goner for a minute there. I gasped. Petrellis are supposed to have immunity. Duh.
Hiro and Ando continue to bore me. They are entirely useless and horrible underused this season. And Hiro needs to grow up. Is he still 10 years old? Wtf?
Matt and Janice is a plot I can get behind if Matt stops being such a buttmunch. He was one of my original favorites, and I've stuck by him since the beginning, but I don't know, man. I just don't know.
Guess we'll see why the final episode is called An Invisible Thread when there's no Claude. OMG THE FURY!!!!!!!!!!!!