Heroes The Lost Episode

Feb 03, 2009 00:26

So I actually do have a review of the most recent episode of Heroes. But before I post it, I want to share with you the script for next week's episode.

Or at least what it would have looked like if I were the scriptwriter.

[Open on plane crash. The main cast stumbles about.]

Tracy: *is screaming*

Clarie: *heals Peter*

Peter: Claire you saved us all!

Claire: I had to do it. I couldn’t lose you! I love you Peter!

Mohinder: Alright enough of that. You realize you two are related, right?

Peter: *runs around trying to help people. CPR here, bracing a leg there. Most of these people will die anyway, but he’s noble that way* Claire! Get away from the engine!

Claire: WHAT?


[Claire gets sucked into the engine and comes out the other side all bloody and gross. Close up shots of her healing.]

Tracy: *screams some more*

Matt: Oh shut up, you’re not even hurt!

Hiro: Why am I here? I don’t even have powers anymore. This isn’t fair. Unless they’re kidnapping me so that Ando will save me. Always kidnap the powerless sidekick. Oldest trick in the book.

Matt: I miss my girlfriend.

Mohinder: I used to be normal. None of this would have happened to me if I’d stayed normal.

Bennet: *broods*

Peter: *standing at the edge of the grass field* Guys? Where are we?

[Pan across the grass field to a huge expanse of forest.]

Peter: Well, we’d better get a signal fire lit. Or something. Too bad we don’t have anyone with fire powers.

Claire: *wails*

Peter: I’m sorry Claire!

Claire: My mother’s DEAD! A fact I seem to have forgotten in the last episode! But she’s dead Peter! Dead dead dead!

Peter: *hugs Claire* It’s okay, Claire. I’ll protect you.

Claire: *clings*

Mohinder: Seriously. Cut it out. Related.

Matt: Ew. Did you really just think that?

Peter and Claire: *attempts to look innocent*

[The next day]

Bennet: *returns from the jungle with a boar on his back* Breakfast!

Claire: Dad, how did you get that?

Bennet: With my knife, sweetheart.

Tracy: I found some coconuts.

Matt: Oh yeah, you survived?

Tracy: Watch out mister, I will freeze your ass.

Peter: *tries to open coconuts by banging them against a rock* I wish I had my telekinesis! Then I could just slice them open…

Claire: Like a head! Like Sylar slices open heads! Like he did to ME! Peter, remember when he did that to ME! It was OMGSOTRAUMATIZING!!

Peter: I’m sorry Claire! Don’t be upset!

Claire: But now I am wiser and stronger and I will NOT BE MADE A VICTIM PETER PETRELLI AND DADDY! I am going to go climb up a tree and try to signal for help! *storms off and starts climbing a tree*

Peter: Um, coconut?

Tracy: I’ll have some!

Mohinder: I am going to try to fix the plane’s transceiver and get it on a secure channel.

Matt: I thought you were a geneticist.

Mohinder: I am.

Matt: Oh. I just didn’t know geneticists could do that.

Mohinder: I’m the smart one here. I can do everything. Want to help me?

Tracy: I’ll help! What do you need me to do?

Bennet: I’m going to go track stuff.

Peter: What are you tracking?

Bennet: Bad stuff.

Tracy: Oh I can help! I’m an expert tracker.

Everyone (except Claire who is off in the jungle being an action girl): *confused look*

Tracy: What? You never asked.

Bennet: Fine. Tracy and I are going to go tracking. We’ll catch up with you all later.

Peter: I’m coming too!

[Bennet, Peter, and Tracy go off into the jungle]

Matt: *has another dead!African!Isaac vision*

Mohinder: Are you alright, Matt?

Matt: No. I’m not. *stares at Hiro* He’s going to die!

Everyone: What?!

Hiro: *Japanese word for what*

Matt: I just had a vision. You’re going to- *leaps up and knocks Hiro out of the way as a coconut falls out of a tree and lands where Hiro was sitting.*

Hiro: You saved my life! *hugs Matt*

Matt: I miss my girlfriend. I bet she’s looking for us. Want to help me try to find her?

Hiro: Anything! You saved my life!

Claire: *falls out of a tree, hits every branch on the way down and hits the ground looking like a crash test dummy*

[Later that day]

[Bennet, Tracy, and Peter are tracking. Close up on some rustling bushes.]

Tracy: What was that? *clings to Peter*

Bennet: Probably just a boar.

Peter: If I had my prophesy powers I could draw you a picture of what it is.

Tracy: I’m going to go investigate.

Peter: It could be dangerous.

Tracy: I’m a tough girl, can’t you tell?!

[The bushes rustle some more. Suddenly something charges at our heroes. It’s almost at them when-]


Peter: *stares at Bennet* Where’d you get a gun?!

Bennet: Why wouldn’t I have a gun? Anyway, not the important part. I just shot a polar bear!

Tracy: *gasps*

[Scene switch to Matt and Hiro]

Matt: Wow. Look at this awesome station sitting in the middle of an otherwise uninhabited jungle. I bet there’s a message from my girlfriend here.

Hiro: Maybe there’s a message from Ando too!

Matt: *has another prophetic moment* Oh no! *pulls Hiro away as a bullet passes by*

Hiro: Where did THAT come from?

Matt: Probably just Bennet shooting things again.

Hiro: You saved my life again!

Matt: Yes, I did. But I can’t keep doing that…

[Scene switch to Mohinder and Claire]

Mohinder: *playing with the transceiver* So. What were you doing on the plane in the first place?

Claire: Nathan sent me away so that I wouldn’t get on the plane that was sending you all to a very bad place, so I figured the best thing to do was to get on the plane that he obviously didn’t want me getting on because he was sending you all to a very bad place.

Mohinder: You make no sense.

Claire: I know. Here, let me cut this boar. *Claire slices her arm open*

Mohinder: Do you have to do that?

Claire: Oh hey look! Dynamite!

Mohinder: *facepalm*

[Scene switch to Peter and Tracy]

Tracy: Bennet’s taking the polar bear somewhere.

Peter: Right.

Tracy: So you and I are allllll alone.

Peter: … I guess.

Tracy: You’re a doctor, right Peter?

Peter: Nurse, actually.

Tracy: Close enough. Did I ever tell you that I killed my father and then got my lover killed by accident and I’m a fugitive on the run?

Peter: No you’re not. You had some weird government job that nobody understands, and then you slept with my brother. A lot.

Tracy: Oh close enough. *kisses Peter*

Peter: I’m in love with you. Marry me.

Tracy: Hold that thought for when we get off the island.

[Scene switch to Matt and Hiro]

Hiro: I’m going to go into this room now, okay? You wait here.

Matt: But-

Hiro: Ando and I have a secret code you’re not allowed to know. Wait here.

Matt: Okay. If you see my girlfriend tell her I love her and ask her what her favorite color is, cause I don’t know. And what kind of music she likes. And anything about her childhood that isn’t having cerebral palsy. And… hey could you find out stuff about my girlfriend? I hardly know her.

Hiro: Sure. Just wait here.

[Hiro types in some stuff and gets Daphne on a screen]

Hiro: Nemesis! I’m so happy to see you!

Daphne: Hiro! Where are you? We’ve been looking everywhere for you! Is my boyfriend there?

Hiro: Yeah, he’s over there. But you can’t talk to him right now.

Daphne: That’s okay, Hiro listen! There’s people coming to rescue you but they’re not mine! It’s not my boat! Tell my boyfriend that it’s not my boat!

Hiro: But but he’s all the way over there and I don’t want to have to walk all the way over-

Daphne: DO IT!

Hiro: *shrugs* Okay. *walks over to Matt* It’s not Daphne’s boat.

Matt: Well that can’t be good. Come on, let’s get out of here.

[End of episode]

heroes, lost, writing, tv rant, fanfic

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