Jun 23, 2008 12:45

Cranking out these reviews. This one is shorter than "last week's".

Chelsea and Thayne- Jazz
I wasn’t paying attention during the tag in the beginning, so I totally didn’t get the King/Whore thing. I heard Thayne say he was a king, and I assumed she was his Jester. Because of the frills on her neck. I thought they didn’t attack it enough. Chelsea didn’t extend her legs fully, and even when she was standing there, she could have had a much more extreme presence.

Knock on Wood they won’t be in the bottom. :)

Mark and Chelsea- Tango
I know one of these Chelseas spell it “Chelsie” but I don’t know which one. Anyway.

No tango is gonna be as good as Alison and Ivan’s. Simple as that.

Yay! Alex Da Silva is back!! We like him.

The routine was nice. Not as good as Alison and Ivan, but am I biased? Yes.

I wrote in my notes “I heart Nigel.” But I don’t remember why I said that.

Jessica and Will- Hip Hop
Ugh, those dumb girls are back. I don’t like them. I think their choreography sucks. Mom thinks they’re lesbians.

Oh, how original. Chair dancing.

I zoned out on this dance a LOT.

HAH. Jessica got SCHOOLED! Yay for Will being awesome.

Kourtni and Matt- Foxtrot
Oh Jean-Marc. Not a big fan of you, honestly.

Aww, poor Matt. He had his face where no self-respecting gay man should EVER have it.

Heart Michael Buble

Why is her hair in cornrows? Oh, I guess they’re extreme finger waves.

Good job, Nigel. Call Kourtni fat. You asshat.

Not a big fan of Kourtni’s paying-attention-O-face.

I realized I don’t comment on the actual DANCE. Um, it was good?

Courtney and Gev- Contemporary
Why do they have the dual names go back to back? It confuses me!

Gev, put your junk away!!!

I like this routine because a relationship doesn’t have to be painful to have a dance. There can be a dance just about being together and being in love and being lost in each other. That’s okay.

I agree with the judges that they didn’t execute it well enough, though.

Hah, Pocket Couple. Cat, it’s not their fault you’re an Amazon.

Katee and Joshua- Broadway
Yay! A Happy Tyce Routine! Those are my favorites.

Oh this was just pure joy. Loved it. Even if the song choice was a bit odd. Which one was supposed to be Jesus? This was Godspell. Guess they weren’t going for that. Katee looked like she was doing Ease On Down The Road again.

Woot! A Mary Scream!! And then she says “You guys are going right down here” and points to her cleavage. Run away Joshua!!!!!

Oh Mia.

YES! Josh is totally gonna be in the Top 4. He’s gonna be the hip hopper that wins it all. Yes he is.

Susie and Marquis- Salsa
Hah! Susie you got dissed. And now I love Alex even more than I already did. “She’s not a Salsa dancer, she’s a street Salsa dancer.” Aka a street walker.

Wow. She is REALLY bad. She never straightens her knees, she doesn’t do ANYTHING. That was just a really bad routine.

The judges needed to school her harder than that. This is her THING and she was HORRENDOUS. WTF?!

Kherington and Twitch- Viennese Waltz
Ah, a piece with a story. Automatically means they’ll be safe.

Dancing the waltz with no shoes on? Huh.

Okay, I really liked that one. I got a little teary.

Comfort and Chris- Krump
Chris has gotta get stronger. Come on boy, work it!

….. I need a brain scrubber. Nigel, NEVER grab your junk again.

Someone put something in Nigel’s drink today. He is a little cwazy.

Results Show

I can agree with these couples. AND I know Susie is going home because there’s no way they’re sending Chelsea or Comfort home. WOOT.

Nigel, it’s not really a shock that there are 3 contemporary guys up there. Aside from Joshua and Twitch, ALL of them are contemporary dancers. Oh, and Gev. Which makes 6 contemporary dancers out of nine left. Not good odds.

No seriously. Joshua, Twitch, Gev- Hip Hop. Comfort- Hip Hop. Chelsea H- Ballroom. EVERYONE else is contemporary. That’s 5 dancers out of now 16. SYTYCD, what happened to diversity? Seriously.

YES! Susie is gone! Justice.

I was never that attached to Marquis. But I really thought it would be Chris that went home.

Let’s see what next week brings. So far I am unimpressed.

so you think you can dance, review, tv rant

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