It's been a while...

Sep 11, 2008 10:20

So I think I want to move to Maryland... Everyday that I'm back at school it hits me harder that I'm now a senior in College! I'll be graduating this year with nothing more to show for it than a mountain of debt and a degree that I can't do much with. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't take these years back for anything. They've been invaluable in their lessons. Mostly I feel that I've found myself. While I'm still not particularly happy, I have an imensely better view of who I really am. I'm very nearly at my goal weight, I'm satisfied with my friends and relationships, I've got an unbreakable bond with my brother, and I've succeeded in my goal that I started 4 years ago when I decided to tackle BU (which was way out of my knowledge league).

But now I'm at a loss. I've relied on BU for the past 4 years to give me a direction on where to go after college. Even though I love archaeology, despite my experience in Italy, realistically speaking it won't pay off BU and the field is getting smaller everyday.

So what's next? Culinary arts school? Then I have to wonder where I'll get the money to pay for it, and if I choose that as a career will it kill the love that I hold for food/cooking. This leads me to my new idea of just moving, starting over somewhere. Find work and take my time just living life and deciding what I really want out of it. I guess only time will tell.
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