The last straw.

Jul 24, 2012 23:18

i know i'm pissed when i feel like watching porn.

This is coz i'm sick of porn. i'm sick of music too, but at least music keeps the regular repetitive consumerist bullshit most people listen to out of my head. i tried using the radio so i could tune in to the funnier DJs (with earphones on of course) but mine gets shit reception.

This gives me inspiration for a new philosophy in putting music onto the ipod: Anything bearable! Shit. i don't listen to music to enjoy it anymore anyway, so might as well. i'll need to get rid of lots of songs i put on the device that i ended up disliking tho.

i fucking hate the system we work with. The same steps to set up one system may not work for another. No repeatability. i want to get to the bottom of whatever's fucking our shit up but we're pressed for time. i feel like a failure but at the same time i think it's reasonable to blame the software. What makes it difficult to troubleshoot is that one, there is no tech support capable of helping us, two, this thing works in arbitrary ways.

As in: Step 1: Input >>> Step 2: ???? >>> Step 3: Either it works or it doesn't.


For some reason everything about my new heli fucked up yesterday. The balancing system became twitchy and unstable, the landing gear broke and the last straw was the tail boom (AKA the back) breaking. Like i said, it was like the thing was made of paper. So you know what i did? i took it back to the house threw it on the floor and shot it a couple hundred times. i literally picked up my entire arsenal of airsoft weapons, grabbed all my mags with ammo still in them and went nuts. When i ran out of shots i reloaded and fired on it again. And again. And again. Nothing was left to salvage except the motors (not sure if they still work, but they're all more or less still in one piece), a couple of electrical connectors, tiny bearings and tinier screws. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you throw away a huge portion of your monthly income. The thing was only a week old with me. *bows*

Shooting that expensive piece of shit was surprisingly cathartic. Even up to now i'm still kinda numb, which is actually PRETTY GOOD considering all the fuck ups and disappointments that've been going on with my work and my hobbies.

So ends my brief flirtation with flying for the next six months. i was thinking of reviving the old 4 channel heli, but i'm just sick of these things now.

As for other things, i stopped caring about the attitudes of my friends and "friends". i've given up and finally accepted that everyone's stupid, inconsistent and unreliable so now i don't mind it when people suddenly go all up in my face, or worse, give me the cold shoulder out of the blue. Heck, in the past month i even stopped minding "her" and her frequent mood swings. Coz of this we might even be on "good" terms now. i DON'T KNOW anymore and i DON'T CARE. i just used an entire day's worth of ammunition in 15 minutes, destroying, in great frustration, something that cost me a major part of my income. Petty spats between people i hang out with don't concern me anymore at the moment.

Oh finally - the thesis competition thing is abroad right? Well two members are now free, but because of this a third one wants to go with them. The third person WON'T be free so they're asking if we can split US $850 amongst ourselves. Fuckshit this is what happens when kids take their parents' money for granted. Putang ina US $170 is gas money for me FOR TWO FUCKING MONTHS. NO FUCKING WAY. We're not in school anymore, so i have no reason to put up with this bullshit anymore. Ayoko na tang ina.


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