Oct 04, 2004 23:55
One. Went for a quiet swim during my lecture breaks. Too scorching and blazing for a swim, so I wrapped up after a quick moment. Look into the mirror - GASP!
Two. Went to the gym for a few rounds of dummy-belling. Met the couple (straighttttt one) I met some 3-4 years ago, still as loving. The guy turned into a gorilla with a huge flab, all muscles but the ab is all mussels - soft and wobbly. The girl, looks kinda sweet when she was dainty and 'kuai kuai' but now that she's buffed up, ... haiz, stomach also bulge out like that of Rosalin Kwan's. They should do more abs exercise not arms and chest.
Three. Hotel for KL is finally confirmed. So anticipating the trip next week. It is always a great pleasure to be KL and I can forsee some shopping around this time as well as Sunway Lagoon. Maybe even Genting Highlands, haven't been there for a little while.
Four. I am looking for a contractor, bricklayer and/or carpenter to do up the house a little. If you guys have any contacts please let me know.
Five. People come and people go in our lives but what is most detestable, are people who come back after they have been dumped by a relationship, then come back to their second choice. I have met someone of such of late, and when he suggested the possibility of getting together, I chortled. Life is oh so fair. Who I am now is not who I was seven years ago. Maybe he should know.