As some of you know, I've already stopped work on 25FEB.
I can't say how much I miss them but what else can I do other than visiting them ever once in a while.
I miss the laughter that can be heard on the sales floor from Vivian and disturbing my dear HOD every time she tells me to do this/that.
And although I really dislike the pokes and annoyingly painful(literally) pinches on the cheeks from a particular someone - hmph!
It was all in good fun and so.. I have concluded that the people working around you are what matters most!
Enough talk about misses and such, moving on to pictures(most of which taken during my last two days).
(left to right)
The Lovable Suzan . Laugh Machine Vivian . Obedient Tony . Accent Wonder Evelyn
This was the one where Tony said 'SMELL'! Priceless expressions I tell ya >.<
Taken when the demon wasn't there so yays for the timely off day that allowed this:D
This was not taken in the night if you were already judging; it's actually around the ungodly time @ 0540.
Stock-take Day 1 - Really unpleasant to wake up at 0430 just to go to work and luckily, the cab driver was a pleasant fellow.
Although, I have to say the scanners were fun to use but if you screw ONE number up; you have to scan that section again.
Just imagine pens alone; there are many kinds right? Try counting them one-by-one when there's over at least 3000 to count.
(not to mention the files/acrylics/tapes/pen-refills and MANY MORE)
Of cos' I'm not perfect so I screwed up a few times but fortunately, they were minor mistakes heez!
And many of us were stuck listening to Dean's horrible play-list - Justin Bieber?!!!! DIE~
What's worst, I had to do the same thing the next day T.T As if 11+ hours of work wasn't enough(excluding 2 hours of transport).
What's awesome was that Ping and Lionel came down to see me!
Travelled down to Shaw House(Orchard) for some Japanese food fair and lookie at the gorgeous sweets up there ^^
Can't really express how much I love Japanese sweets but the prices were so not within our wallet's budget.
Stock-take Day 2 - I went to work like a ZOMBIE! Blood capillaries in my eye bags were about to burst man~
Oh! And I was a laundry girl for the day! Had to clean make-up and even BLOOD stains off clothes.
Shall not go into details but my hands were basically like shrivelled prunes - repeatedly applying stain-remover and washing it.
24FEB/25FEB - Took quite a number of photos with Ariel cos' it was my last day working with her on the 24th T.T
She's incredibly corky lols! Fun times I tell ya~
We three even went for the Kenko Fish Spa after work and it was so freaking fun!
Terribly ticklish at first but after controlling A LOT, I managed to get used to it.
V and I laughed very loudly until the spa attendants started looking at what was going on heehee~
My awesome HOD Nechiel
SnowWhite Charisse(her skin tone is so fair right?)
The Hilarious Joey . Wonder-Mum Shima aka Cma
And so this comes to an end with all the awesome people I've worked with.
There's a few others; either off or not wanting to take photos so...
Thanks Adrian/Nic/Dean/Cma/Joey/Charisse/Suz/Ariel&Tony for taking care of me during this period.
And I also had a great time with V/HQ&Evelyn(the batch I came in with)!
There's also a lot to talk about each and everyone of them but I shan't elaborate so tata for nowzzz~