Wer bin ich?

Feb 11, 2007 00:26

I like vanishing. It's easy and I get a lot done. What I don't like... is the emptiness that fills the void. I found that recently I became increasingly miserable. I quit my job due to uber ill-treatment. I won't really be looking for a new job until March anyway. Because well I like getting work done... and because I have these lovely plans to see my boyfriend at the end of Feb. Yes well, contrary to what evil Facebook may say, I am still dating Drew, quite happily in fact. His cousin is a big mouth and on his facebook and he's like "eep my grandparents can't know i'm gay *panic*" so he removed our relationship which facebook decides to tell the world that means we broke up... yeahhhhh no.

I sadly will be getting braces soon... I'm on the spacers phase. They kinda suck. The chick didn't put one of them in far enough, and it sticks up over my teeth and therefore when I bite down my teeth hit it and that squishes it forcing more pressure on my teeth. Pain.. yes... sucks.

I don't know...

I'm going to California for grad school...

With Drew...

It's a cute lil plan, which will put me in Berkeley... less I'm too stupid, then it's UC San Fransisco or U of So Cal, or UCLA... anyway! Nice warm weather for me.
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