Just got the following from my Mother.
Today was father's check up at the Ophthalmologists. I wondered what was taking him so long, as I sat in the waiting room. After a while his assistant came in and said that father wanted me to come inside so that I could hear what the Dr. said, as father wouldn't remember it. Dr. Brown gave me a very detailed description of the problem and answered all of my questions. In short, father had another torn retina. This was the first time in 20 years the Dr. had seen this happen. Nevertheless, father had had his pupils dilated and was about to have laser surgery once again. This time the tear was worse so he needed 7 "jolts" . Some of which were quite painful, as water had accumulated beneath the retina. (If unchecked, and the retina come loose and begins to float about, it can lead to blindness.) Dr. Brown allowed me to sit in on the event, although it is against Osha regulations. Perhaps my interest in learning all I could about the problem impressed him? Father is feeling fine now - although he didn't have the slightest interest in doing grocery shopping afterwards. He can see fine, although he is not to read for 2 days.