
Sep 26, 2005 19:03

for the purposes of this post, my weekend started thursday, which seems right, since i slept through my only friday class.

so thursday, i had to go to a training session at the museum (boring, but it was the easiest $20 i ever made). pretty much as soon as i got back to the apartment, logan and i left for chapel hill. the trip was originally planned with the purpose of getting a bottom bracket for logan's bike so he could ride it in this weekend's race, but i quickly hi-jacked it so i could see abby. see, because her throat started bleeding, i hadn't gotten to see her the previous weekend, and she was going to a big hippy festival in west virginia this weekend, so we decided thursday was a good time to get together. as such, my evening was excellent. we walked through the arboretum, hung out at her room for a while, walked up to The Pita Pit for dinner, and on the way i saved this puppy that darted into traffic. see, there was a bus coming down the street and the puppy apparently didn't hear/see it, so i had to run into the road, grab the puppy, and jump out of the way of the bus. as it passed, the side mirror caught my arm and scraped up the inside of my forearm pretty bad. it didn't really hurt until abby sensuously dragged her fingernails across it. after dinner, we were walking back to her dorm when we came (back) across logan. he joined us for the remainder of the evening. somehow, he and abby talked me into kicking a soccer ball around (something i haven't done for a good 4 or 5 years, probably; every time i play soccer, the ball hits me in the face. literally, every time. kicking the ball around w/ people apparently doesn't count, as i escaped the evening with my face intact) afterwards, we were sitting on the picnic tables (on them, not at them; i can't remember the last time i actually sat on the bench part of a picnic table) talking when the sounds of brass instruments came echoing through the campus. we were listening, wondering what it was when logan and i simultaneously recognized the NC State fight song. some state students drove to UNC in a red pickup, set off some sort of fire alarm (which did not, unfortunately, result in a fire drill; that would have been awesome), and then drove off again, triumphantly playing our fight song. i put up the wolf sign, while abby tried to pull my arm down (when she couldn't, she ran off a few feet so as not to be associated with me), and even logan tried to get me to take it down (because apparently getting beaten by a mob of UNC students would have put a damper on his evening). luckily, the UNC students were too focused on yelling obscenities at the guys in the pickup to notice me. after that, we went up to hang out in abby's room. her suitemates all came in (except the anti-social sophomores (and katherine, for some reason; guess she wasn't there)) and hung out for the rest of the night. they kept asking logan about ROTC and dance and the car he's gonna buy and other stuff, and he just ate it right up. honestly, abby's suitemates like him better than they like me. it was fun, though. oh, and then one of abby's suitemates starting taking her skirt off in the room, literally hiking it up and then unzipping it. it was really weird. eventually, logan and i left for raleigh. good night, all around.

friday morning, i slept through dynamics. not even just a little, either. i didn't wake up until 2 1/2 hours after the class was finished. i dicked around for a while, then trevor came over and he, jason, kyle, and i watched this weird-ass movie called Strange Days with Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, and the great Tom Sizemore. don't see it. it's awful. it was made in 1995, and it was about the year 1999, right near the Y2K changeover. for being set only 4-5 years in the future, they made some huge assumptions about human advancement. for instance, in those 5 years, some guy figured out how to digitally store a person's memory and play it back in someone else's mind. plus, in those 5 years, mainstream rappers figured out how to be socially relevant. obviously, neither of those came true. awful movie with awful plot holes and awful acting and only one redeeming line ("his butt's so tight, when he farts, only dogs can hear it"). awful, awful movie.

eventually, logan got back from class and he, trevor (henceforth referred to as "Irv," though nobody remembers why), jason, and i started some 4-way halo on logan and trevor's XBoxes. around 5, logan pussed out hugely and went to play tennis (WEAK), so jason, irv, and i continued w/ the halo before breaking for cookout. eventually logan came back and we continued the halo, adding kyle and alcohol to the mix. a lot of alcohol (for me, anyway). seriously, a lot of alcohol.

saturday, i woke up with my first hangover. it wasn't bad (i mean, my head barely hurt, but i kept halfway blacking out in the shower and felt generally out of it), but it was enough to keep me from tailgating and going to the game. we lost, anyway, so i really don't feel that bad about missing it. the rest of saturday was spent doing as little as possible since i'd have to wake up early-ish the next day.

in fact, i woke up at like 7:30 so i could go home for mary's birthday. somewhere along the line, it was not made clear to my parents that i had to work sunday evening, so that's when her birthday celebration (just family, so you can't really call it a "party") was planned. saturday, they found out i was working (i DEFINITELY told dad, he just forgot, but whatever), so we changed the plan to sunday morning at the last minute. i got there, told my folks i had to leave at 2, they forgot again and didn't start cooking lunch until like 1. honestly, they have no concept of time. it's astounding, really. i ended up a little late to work, but it was ok because i called and morgan knows a) i'm not gonna bullshit him and b) i'm gonna work hard when i finally get in. it was cool seeing the family, though, especially mary. mom, mary, and grandma each separately fell for my "i scraped my arm up saving a puppy" story (yeah, if you didn't catch it, that was complete bullshit. i scraped it up trying to climb onto a low tree limb with abby). good times. work was weird, too. normally, we'll do a cocktail reception or a dinner. last night, we did both. we had a 250-person cocktail reception upstairs for 2 hours, then we herded the 50 most important (read "richest") people downstairs for a 3-course meal. it went really well all evening, and we went home an hour and a half earlier than predicted. nice.

and that was my weekend, pretty much in its entirety. if you got through this whole post (especially that second paragraph; that was a doozie), bravo. i've got lab work and ENG 331 to do, plus dinner to eat, so peace.

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