May 18, 2012 09:43
Hello internets. I've been around, but quiet lately. Work has been overwhelming as we've had some clients with crises and some training and stuff. And my mind has been scattered lately. I've not been sleeping well, including a nightmare last night. WTF? Anyway...
The high points of my last couple of weeks? I went to a yoga class on 5/7, 5/14, and 5/15! I'm so proud of myself. I found out that the owner of the studio down in Winter Park does some satellite classes. One of them is Monday evenings in the county admin building just one block from my office. So I went to that two weeks in a row and the M (the instructor) said she also teaches Tuesday night at the new med center in my town, so this week I blew off trivia and went to that class too. They're hatha classes, with really excellent focus (and correction) on form which has been great. Last week our focus area was on balance and we did extensive alternate nostril breathing and then some warrior and side angle balance work. It was awesome. This week (both classes) the focus was on backbends and was f-ing amazing.
I love that M moves around and will make subtle adjustments when needed or just vocal cues like "shoulders back" and then a "good person X" for whomever needed the cue. She's really gentle of spirit and soft-spoken and her style of teaching is so welcoming. I do, however, want to take a flow class at the studio with one of her other teachers for comparison. M's a little "spiritual" for some tastes, but I can work with that since her instruction is so good. And when she presses on my low back during downward dog? It's like heaven. *g*
Now if I can just get my ass out a bed a couple times a week to do morning yoga at home... With the crappy sleep lately, I have been really sluggish in the mornings. I haven't been on time to work all week (though, I've mostly been no more than 10 minutes late).
I'm continuing to "work the food" of my sugar sensitivity thing. Breakfast has been good and I've officially started step two -- journaling. I left the e-mail list for step one and got this auto e-mail from the list mod asking if I had any comments or if I was leaving for a specific reason. I wrote a lengthy e-mail back letting her know that it was a mix of not needing help on step one (because I've always been a breakfast eater) and having trouble reading messages from people who were counting everything and talking about how hard it is to eat. I got enough of that shit from my mother growing up and I do NOT do well with that because of my mom's disordered eating. She wrote me back that she finds breakfast easy too and understands and wishes me well as I move to step two. It was nice.
I'm also ready to start adjusting my food choices for my dosha after reading through the Yoga Body Diet a couple of times and taking the dosha-type quiz there and a couple others online. I'm a bit terrified though because for kapha they recommend giving up most dairy. Seriously? No dairy? But I LOVE milk. And cheese. And cottage cheese is half my morning protein every day. I'm going to have to start that one slowly. Interestingly though, I've found lately that the more I "do the food" and limit my sugar, the more having milk at dinner bothers my stomach. It's not a problem in the morning, but a glass of milk with dinner leads to terrible bloat. At first I thought maybe it was food, but since I've been journaling the only common denominator seems to be milk so I'm going to cut out dinnertime milk for now and see how I feel.
In my loads (not) of spare time, I've read some hockey fic. Don't ask, I don't know. There's also been continued knitting and (mostly) keeping up with my usual TV shows.
Well... must get back to work now. I've got TWO clients who just lost their Medicaid for unknown reasons and are in crisis mode. *shoot me now*
the daily grind,
the plan