(no subject)

Apr 17, 2012 12:44

Today's my first post-vacation day at the office and I'm ready for a nap at only 1:30pm. *sigh*

I was supposed to work yesterday, but do to storms in Chicago, my connecting flight out of there left 2.5 hours after scheduled and I didn't get home until almost 4am on Monday. Chris amazingling got up and went to work. I ... did not.

But I'm here today, plowing through emails and voicemails and stuff left on my desk. Not too overwhelming (amazingly), but enough to keep me busy.

Vacation was grand. turnonmyheels posted about our adventures, so i didn't bother. I will simply say that I drank everyday, I ate a lot, and I have good times with my BFF. We went on an 8-mile hike and I went to four yoga classes with her (one just before she took me to the airport on Sunday) and attended one of her Zumba classes (then politely declined the other one). We saw Bring It On: The Musical and a show about Billie Holliday. I got to see some of B's family and friends. And I finally got my butter keeper (which is now filled and sitting on the kitchen counter, yay!).

This morning I got up early and tried to do some yoga before work. I say tried because it was the WORST yoga workout in the history of the universe. I quit about 2/3 of the way through because I couldn't take it anymore. The instructor was too flat (like there was no emotion there at all and no connection), the flow was not doing it for me, and there were NO modifications offered other than the option to do Cobra instead of Up-Dog. I was so disconnected to the whole thing and just couldn't hang any longer. I will not be doing that workout again.

Tomorrow and Wednesday I'm out of the office all day for "mental health first aid" training. It better be good or I'm going to be annoyed.

And finally, the dogs were all over me when I got home Monday morning. I had missed them so much (esp. my Buddy), and was delighted to be smothered in their love and attention (or their begging for my love and attention as it really was).
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