Friday Fic (and vid) Recs!

Jun 30, 2006 10:00

We're back and this week I bring the funny. All funny all the time (okay, mostly funny).


But to My Surprise by good_judgement
Fandom: CW rps (formerly WB rps)
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Michael Rosenbaum (oh the pretteh)
This isn't so much funny as it's snarky. Mike keeps flicking his lighter and Jensen gets pissy about it. There's a bit of a cat fight and boys being boys. Fun and funny and there's really great kissing. I love me some good kissing scenes. *sigh*

Switch: A Comedy of Terrors by RivkaT
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Lex
This is a body swap fic and it's wonderfully done. It's set early in the SV canon (s2) and it just works so well. There are some absolutely wonderful lines. It's pretty long, but the author carries the fun through the whole thing. Even the serious moments have a bit of levity.

Don't Mess with Superman by mahaliem
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Lex
I don't know if Mahaliem knows how to write fic that isn't funny. She cracks me up every single time. This time around we have a different villian than Lex taking Superman's attention and Lex gets jealous.

Five Cordelia Drabbles by entrenous88
Fandom: Buffy
Pairing: Cordelia/multiple
Entrenous is great with the Cordy snark and these drabbles are just wonderful. These are smart and funny and each one packs a great little story into 100 words.

Vid -- so funny

10 Things I Hate About the Commandments by Vayabobo
Fandom: The Ten Commandments
This is hilarious. It's a spoof of The Ten Commandments and it's just wonderful. If you don't laugh at this, then you suck. There's a guest appearance by Samuel L. Jackson, how can you not love that?

Vids -- Okay these aren't funny, but they're good.

No Bravery by frodolyn
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Characters: this is about the men -- Aragorn, Theodin, and Faramir
For those who are weary, no hobbits were slashed in the making of this vid. :) It's just a beautiful vid capturing moments from all three films. The song "No Bravery" by James Blunt works really well. If you liked LOTR, you'll like the vid.

The Walk by bipolypesca
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark/Lex
This is a little angsty, but it's a gorgeous reminder of how much Clark and Lex are meant to be together. Oh the pretty! Set to Imogen Heap's "The Walk".

Jesus Walks by beccatoria
Fandom: BSG
This is my one "not funny" rec this week. It's actually quite serious. The vid is centered around Laura Roslin and it's just brilliant. I have to admit that the use of Kanye West's "Jesus Walks" was what grabbed my attention and I was not disappointed.

Have a great weekend everyone.
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