Yay for stealing wi-fi at home. Thanks to somebody in my neighborhood I'm surfing at hi-speed for free. Which is good. Because now that I'm back from Philly, I'm frantically trying to catch up on everything I missed.
My story is up at the Secret Slasha site, but I can't tell you which one's mine until after Jan. 1 when the names go up. So there'll be a specific link then. For now, head over and check out everything:
http://www.dymphna.net/secretslash/stories2005.html There's also some great rare fandom stuff up at the
yuletide site:
http://yuletidetreasure.org/archive/quicksearch.html. (I didn't write anything for that.)
And the Due South Seekrit Santa:
http://home.comcast.net/~aerye/ds_seekrit_santa_index.html (I didn't write forthat one either.)
I did, however, write my Pretty Lights story and sent it in tonight. Those will be up for New Years. Can't wait to read the others.
Off to read now. *smooches to everyone!*