Title: Past, Present, Future (I reserve the right to change the title later) Written for: ficbitcabearCharacters: Wes, Doyle, and Angel (pairing is a surprise
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Oh, thank you! Yes, you're take on the ending is exactly what I meant. This was a really enjoyable story to write. It took me a while to come up with my premise, because I really wanted to give ficbitcabear the Wes/Doyle pairing that was her first request. But I didn't want to do an AU where Doyle lives or something like that. And then this idea of his ghost came to me and I just rolled with it and then the whole Angel thing just happened and it felt right.
By the end of the first sentence of your fics I'm in the setting and feel the mood of the POV. What a lovely compliment. That means a lot to me.
And the word cock in context :). *busts out laughing*
Thanks, sweetie. And there's nothing wrong with a kitchen counter fetish, although I hadn't realized that I do seem to have a kitchen thing going lately, don't I? Huh. Maybe I'm the one with the fetish. ;)
I loved Doyle. I wasn't actually watching either Buffy or Angel back then, but later read the transcripts and then watched the DVDs and I cried my eyes out when I watched him die. Such a sad moment. It was nice to be able to bring him back. :)
This is lovely. I do adore Season 1 Wes, shy, uncertain and desperate to fit in. It was a lovely idea to have Doyle be the one who gets Angel and Wes together, and I found the ghostly seduction scene unbearly tender.
And that's what you'll find here. Someone who'll go all the way, who'll protect you no matter what. So don't lose hope.
You captured the essence of that commercial in this fic. Lovely work.
Lovely! Your portrayal of Wes made me want to reach out and hug him. And, for a character that appeared in only nine episodes, Doyle certainly touched a lot of hearts (including mine). It's wonderful to see him continuing to show up in fanfic!
Little typo: "line of site" should be "line of sight."
Ooh, thanks for the typo catch. I'll go back and fix it. It's just like at work, no matter how many people look at something it's never 100% perfect. ;-)
I love Doyle too. I cry when I watch his final ep, esp. now that the actor is dead. So very sad.
Comments 27
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By the end of the first sentence of your fics I'm in the setting and feel the mood of the POV.
What a lovely compliment. That means a lot to me.
Thank you!
*busts out laughing*
Thanks, sweetie. And there's nothing wrong with a kitchen counter fetish, although I hadn't realized that I do seem to have a kitchen thing going lately, don't I? Huh. Maybe I'm the one with the fetish. ;)
Great story, sweets.
Nice nice.
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So damn cute and so...tragic.
And that's what you'll find here. Someone who'll go all the way, who'll protect you no matter what. So don't lose hope.
You captured the essence of that commercial in this fic. Lovely work.
Little typo: "line of site" should be "line of sight."
I love Doyle too. I cry when I watch his final ep, esp. now that the actor is dead. So very sad.
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