Title: Pages from Novels of a Life Together
Author: Moosesal
Pairing: Giles/Oz
Rating: NC-17
silvertedy - Many thanks as always for the amazing edit. Your feedback is incredible and your copyediting is astounding (and makes me embarrassed to be employed by the same publisher). Thanks again for "the full treatment". *g* Remaining mistakes are my all
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Comments 19
icing himself down like a teenager
cradled between them, thrusting lazily inside his tight flesh.
And that end..::happy sigh::
cradled between them, thrusting lazily inside his tight flesh.
That's my favorite line in the whole piece and probably the only one my editor didn't change. Apparently she liked it too.
Thanks for commenting.
I think it only helped that so many of the titles you used are not only my shelves as well but are among my favorites.
Thanks so much for this.
I'm glad you liked the drabble set-up. I'd really been wanting to do one and as I was trying to think of story ideas some of these titles were just floating in my head so I went with it. They're some of my favorite books, too.
The squirting orange is one of my favorite parts of the story. It made me smile to write it, unlike Heart of Darkness which was so difficult. My biggest challenge though, was to not write the Giles/Oz of "It's Like Jazz" (not that they aren't wonderful). I wanted to be original. Hope I succeeded.
Anyway... thanks again for the lovely words. They really couldn't have come at a better time.
I like the structure of the drabbles, and the titles you have chosen work so well with your words. A series of gems. Sweet, sad, evocative, and lovely altogether.
Without hesitation Giles smiled, “Last year you stopped by here to pick up a book and you stayed.”
Oh! So lovely.
As is your feedback. Thanks so much for the kind words. You and glossing do Giles/Oz so well that I was a bit nervous to even try the pairing. But I really enjoyed writing this. I'm glad you enjoyed reading this.
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