Well today was weird, since lacrosse is over and all. I still went afterschool like an overachiever and ran my mile. I've slacked off a bit because it was about a minute more than my usual. Oh well it'll get better. Oh, and I did stadiums. I can't wait 'till Friday. I love going to Starbucks with all of my friends. I feel like they want me there with them. School is okay except for the awkwardness between Morgan and I. I feel like she thinks I hate her. I don't. At all. I love her with all of my heart and I miss her so much. I know we'll never be as close, but it still could be a lot better. I feel like she ignores me and just wants to talk to Ben whenever I do see her. Like he's her new best friend. And I'm not helping matters at all by not eating with them. I just feel like there are too many holes to patch over. Hopefully it'll work out. She's still my best friend no matter what, I love her a whole lot and I hopee hoppee hoopeee we can work everything out. = ]. In other news I saw Aayy today. I love her. She's random and loud and omggzzzz. hahahaha. Jay kay. She rules a whole lot and I'm glad that she doesn't favor ignorance. Well, I'm going to go tan. Burn the negativity right outta me!
P.S. I'm really sorry I didn't respond to your IM Vinny, I just got home super late. We'll talk I promisee. =]
Mary-Kate&&Ashley :D
Hawiian Mouse&&Ninja Axe Murderer.
Hawt Chickensss.
I love and miss you with all of my heart Morgan Anne McCorkle.