Jan 28, 2005 00:32
For those of you who don't know, the battle at Amon Hen took place as the hobbits attempted to stealthily sneak away. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli took on a full batallion of Uruk-Hai whilst Boromir fell giving the little hobbits time to escape.
Yea, I've felt like I've been fighting at Amon Hen. No matter how many things I get done there's still more coming. Kill one, another takes it's place.
Where to start. Well let's start with Dan Paul's party. That was an absolute blast. From what I remember, I had a damn good time. Kudos to Sal Hildebrand as his one liners stick most vividly in mind and he sincerely made me chuckle. Also to KevOn for helping me get from A to B as I sure as hell wasnt' doing that alone... everyone else, I'm sure you were great I just don't remember how.
This week was something else. Back to work, which was... eh, alright. Fraternity life has went well, minus a few problems getting some things posted that evidently HAD to be up *shrug*. Whatever.
Also, my car died but the Red Baron will ride again! Got him all fixed up and he's just awaiting to make the trip up here to see me. Still I was stuck at home for a couple days...
Also in this time my wallet has been stolen, found, and returned. All my money intact and everything. However I did buy a new drivers license (drat!) get a new social security card, new AAA card and all that jazz. Anyways, had a good day with my Dad and he brought me back up here, even let me run my errands. He got his pizza on the way home and ironically enough, I had Pizza much later that night as well...
I've hung out with Alex and JD a couple times now and I can say that Alex is actually quite funny. He's got a serious humor, if that's possible... JD is The JD. Nuff said.
So I'm back at Akron. Classes are rockin, work still is work... and it blows.
Oh, on that matter I find out I scheduled work right over top of my IFC meetings. Damnit. Seems I'm going to have to see if I can finnagal to get that fixed. Perhaps I can just alternate Monday/Wednesdays... it might work... then I would be able to make IFC and GPC.
I try to do everything, seriously... it's crazy, but I love it. Besides I can take my mind off anything that way..
The HOC just finished putting on our Parade and Masquerade. It was truly an amazing event, however I was kind of disappointed at the turnout. Our budget for that event was very very high... well over $200. Kinda disappoints me that some people couldn't take the ten minutes to stop down. Whatever.. let them hermit.
Family life is good, was nice to see my Mom and my sister has a new boyfriend. Seems like a nice enough kid, it's nice to see her get what she wants. She deserves it.
Also I got new glasses... pretty happy about that. Needed them.
Been trying to get all my work and obligations in, hold a social life... haven't done much "getting in shape"
Yeah, that'll change. I really don't have any excuse except I've been tired.
I was going to give up with any girls and you know, focus on just lifting. Anytime I think about a girl? Go B-ball. Go V-ball. Go lift. Go swim.
Does that work? No. Of course not :P
So that brings me to girls. What about them?
<----- severely confused.
Just when I rule something out, it opens up. I don't want to go into detail with everything... I really really don't. Perhaps by keeping it in my head I keep it organized. Words just jumble it all up. I don't know.
All I know is that for now I'm unsure, I don't see any solution coming soon either.
I was all pumped up to spill it all and now I really just don't want to.
I'm confused for now we'll leave it at that.
Broseph helped me tremendously now... a bit resolute on an idea right now, of course you never know.... *sigh*
I need sleep. Night all.