Cloaked Elves of Lothlorien..

Jan 20, 2005 01:11

Masters of their domain, they appear and disappear and no one is the wiser for it..

Well this has been a shitty past couple of days. First off my wallet was lost/stolen yesterday at the Rec center. I had it in my jeans,shorts or coat and it must of fell out. Never was returned, so I had to report it stolen. Now I'm out about $30 cash, A drivers license, $45 in gas cards. Luckily I got another Zip Card... but still, this really really sucks. A lot. Not to mention my mother, being OH SO HELPFUL, decided to get mad and yell at me about it.

Yeah, because you know, this was all intentional. I "lose my sense around those frat boys". Gosh, she just doesn't get it does she? Regardless of how well I do, how hard I work. I'm doing better in school then I EVER have, I have a lot more resume building type activities then ever before and yet I'm still irresponsible. I juggle a fraternity, a social life, a professional life, a job and full time school, successfully. I'm still irresponsible.

This evening I went to dinner with MJ, KevOn and the JD. That was fun, seriously. Free spaghetti dinner, chilling with the guys and a backrub from Zippy. It gets no better. On the way home JD gave me some well deserved advice. I guess I should just say that if people can't trust me to do what is right, they obviously don't know me. If you don't know me don't make assumptions, and if you do, don't expect me to give a fuck about them. I have faith in you, I trust in. Do the same for me, k? Nuff said.

Tonight was an interesting night. I went out with Allison and Amanda to Eat 'n Park. That was... a trip. Decent food, not the best chicken sandwich I've had, but I have those everywhere so... Of course it seemed weird, don't know why. I was just sort of in a weird mood I would suppose. Then of course the comment that REALLY hit home "of course he does, David likes everyone" (in response to Allison teasing me about saying our waitress was "nice"). That really smashed into me for some reason, don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm too nice, maybe I give off that vibe, I don't know. That's not how it is and for someone to say that, even in jest kind hurt.

So we end up going back and I'm chillin chillin with them... we go up to Amanda's room, meet her roommate and what not. Well I guess some guy called and Amanda got all worked up and had to change pants. I politely stepped out of the room momentarily, expecting for her to do what she needed and then get me. Wrong. I stood there for a little bit and then finally decided I was like a fifth wheel (literally) anyways so I left. Never heard from Amanda, nada. I guess she never came back to see Allison either.

Ah, Allison. Of course, Allison comes to check on me. She knew something was up. She knew I was feeling.. down I suppose is the only way to say it. Of course I denied it to her... at times like this I don't know what to say. I don't know how to handle things. Besides, it's not like we completely confide in one another so.... maybe that was best, I don't know. However she was the only one that cared enough to check, the only one that could really tell... I half feel bad for not spilling to her, spilling everything. I guess I just felt that i've done that too much perhaps, though now it may actually be appropriate...

Either way that was about the end of my day. I let Allison get to sleep and I myself wrote this journal entry... now I just sit here and do nothing. No class until noon tommorow... Perhaps I'll find something to do. Perhaps I'll find my wallet. One can hope, can't we?

Have a nice night..
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