Dec 23, 2004 11:13
I've been reading some editorials on The main topic of conversation is HP&THBP/who is it/where are the books going/new DADA teacher etc. One theory that has been put forward about HBP regards alchemy/symbolism to. Basically, there are 3 stages of alchemy: black, white, red in which the original metal is changed into pure gold through spiritual development and perfection. It seems that OotP was the 'black' stage, the necessary destruction of the black matter which is symbolised by Sirius BLACK dying. The other 2 characters we should probably consider are ALBUS Dumbledore (Albus meaning white) and RUBEUS Hagrid (obvious link to the final stage). So it should follow that Dumbledore and Hagrid will play significant roles in books 6 and 7 respectively, throughout the story or maybe just especially at the end.
The next theory that i have been confronted with is that the new DADA teacher will be Dumbledore. The mroe i think about it the more it makes sense. With the coming inter-wizarding world war between good and evil and Harry's need to vanquish Voldemort for good, he will need further preparation for the end battle, especially in Occlumency and in Defence. He needs someone whom he can trust and who has an exceptionally high skill level at both and is very powerful; Harry is already far more advanced in DADA than any other wizard of his age, possibly even better than the 6th/7th years (his skill level is probably already at NEWT level) and so he will need somebody so advanced at the subject as to really challenge him and make him even better.
So here's my problem: if the next book follows the alchemical cycle that has been established in OotP and Dumbledore DOES in fact become the new DADA teacher (and we already know that all DADA teachers are doomed to a one-year teaching period before they disappear, unless JKR decided to break this cycle) , then wouldn't it follow that Dumbledore is the next to disappear i.e. die?? JKR has already established that she is going to kill off more characters, and with Dumbledore gone Harry will have to fulfil his role as 'hero-stepping-into-the-role-of-true-leader-now-that-his-mentor-is-gone-and-complete-his-destiny' etc etc. And then will Hagrid be the last to die?!? This is all too upsetting...i seriously hope i'm wrong.
The only other possible DADA teacher that came to mind was Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth. I'm sure he would be really powerful and skilled and Harry would probably trust him because he's Dumbledore's brother...hmm.