Mar 24, 2008 21:15
Have faith, I'm strong.
This week will hopefully breeze on by, and then we can have some time to rejuvenate. I have a rather busy academic schedule, this week, however. Today, I wrote my DBQ essay for my Mock AP US exam (on labor unions!). I think my essay was quite good. I had a vocab quiz in AP LANG, a quiz in Physics, and, as usual, Our Town in acting. Tomorrow I'll be writing two Free Response essays for the AP US mock exam, I'll be doing Our Town AGAIN, I have my 9 weeks exam for Spanish and I get to start finishing up on my AP LANG documented essay. Then, Wednesday, I've got my Physics 9 weeks exam, and Our Town, and so on and so forth. Luckily, math is going to be a breeze due to the retarded project we've been assigned.
Today, a re-encounter with an old friend/crush really brought back old feelings for me, and yet again my overactive brain went crazy. I hope he appreciates that I am sacrificing my own grade for his benefit. A trip to the gym calmed me down a bit. I really enjoy the gym. I saw some of my friends there too, so it was cool to have an after-school chat.
I'm growing out my facial hair, to get back to my French Canadian roots.
Internship with the gov. is coming up soon, luckily it won't count against me as far as examinations are concerned. FSU Film School is pretty much a certain thing now, I've just got to wait a year to go!
Meeting my new baby cousin Axel was a wonderful experience. I previously thought of babies as weird alien things, but holding him made me realize that I really do want a family someday. And all my sons will have ridiculous French names. I'm thinking Jean-Paul, Jacques-Pierre and then some other combination of names. They will carry the Canadian torch as I have!
SPRING BREAK is going to be very fun, I can just tell right now.