Feb 21, 2006 13:17
Awww so i just went on SCC to look at the Holmen comp. and i got really excited, except for the fact that like there aren't really that great of groups going to Holmen, I'm still really excited about going to Holmen when I'm up there!!! But it made me miss going to comps and seeing all the amazing show choirs, good times! I think Sarah's probably one of the only ones who will read this and know what i'm talking about but thats ok. Anyways, we had our read through for Forum last night and it was fun, except for the fact that i'm sick, but i think it's going to be a really good show, i'm the wild animal like courtesan, vibrata is her name and i'm really excited! Sean and his daddy are in the show along with really fun other people. But i'm also really excited about going up to WI and seeing Pirates, and Evita, and Holmen, and getting my hair cut and going to culvers and getting gellatto! it'll be a fun trip and just long enough to remind me of how grateful i should be that i dont live in mukwonago any more! i love the people but the town sucks. oh hey wanna hear something dumb i call mhs's show choir and had them send a singing gram to sean, and he thought it was so sweet! i know i'm a nerd, but it was something, we couldnt figure out what to do for v-day so we went to disney and ate at morocco and watched a girl belly dance while we ate couscous. yeah it wasnt terribly romantic, but it was fun and who really cares about valentines day anyways i would rather celebrate on our annaversary. But then we watched the fireworks at epcot and froze cuz it was cold out but it was still fun cuz i drank coffee and we watched the fireworks. ok im going to go find something else to look at online i have 25 min before sean gets out of class fun fun!