Well not a whole lot has been going on. I turned 30 while I was away. I don't feel any different. I have a had a few "Omg how did all the time pass?" and "There's so much stuff I haven't done!" moments, but other than that...no biggie. I have been making a mental "Things I want to do in my life" list. Really I have been keeping that for years. I just never gave it much thought before now. I can say I have marked a few off my list, but somehow the older you get the longer the list gets. I have sang(quite well I might add!) O Holy Night before a packed church on Christmas Eve. I have auditioned for several "big" things in my musical career, didn't make any, but hey I can say I tried. Finally got to play a sax solo with a jazz band my last year of college. I have been to a major music concert, both classical and mainstream. I have been in an ocean. I learned to swim, kind of. I have done missionary work. This coming year my thing to check off the list is learning to play guitar. I am so excited about this one, especially since my mother-in-law is giving me her acoustic to learn on so if I hate it or am super bad I am out no money. Wish me big luck on that. So yeah, you get older the list gets longer. I seem to add to it constantly as my interests and mood changes.
Well my birthday was good. The day itself was pretty uneventful. The day before...totally different story. David and I went to see Dave Matthews Band in Minneapolis. Oh My God! Amazing... I have always been a fan, but until you see them live you have no idea the magnitude of what they do. A band of true artists and musicians(IMO of course) Songs that are 3 minutes long on the album can easily be 10 live. These guys play the hell out of everything. I read some reviews after the concert and some "true Dave fans" said how this wasn't a very good concert in comparison to tohers they had been to. All I could think was "Damn if that was a bad concert then I can't wait to go to another bad DMB concert!" lol Maybe I could even try for an OK concert... But yeah, I am going to try to talk David into going again this summer to the concert they normally put on at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin. I have heard it's always an amazing thing to see/hear and if you are a DMB fan you should see at least one outdoor concert. Oh there's another for my list!
It's been cold here. Go figure that huh? Cold in Minnesota... This will be our very first winter gas bill ever. I have to admit to being a bit scared. David has been on my case because I have been keeping it "cold" in the house, but hey I don't want my first bill to be $300, even though it may very well be. He can put his sweatpants on! I figure start low and if the bill isn't as bad as I think I will turn the heat up a bit...or maybe not.
Hugs to both
ultramanx51 and
_angellicious . You guys are in my thoughts. =)