Top 10 Things

Jul 10, 2007 18:21

lalaithlockhart, this is going to be a tough assignment because I have been feeling unsettled and stressed as of late, but here are my top ten things for right now:

1)  Playing my viol makes me so happy!  I find that I get interrupted a lot, though, as if no one can believe I am actually practising so it must be okay to bother me so that I can't play.  Sorry, that turned into a whine.  YAY VIOLS!

2)  Conclave!  Conclave begins in 12 days and I am SO EXCITED to see friends and play 24 - 7.

3)  My students.  I LOVE my students.  I actually had two brand-new students yesterday and they were both fabulous.  I just love all my students so much and they are SO MUCH fun to teach.  Except one student at the Academy, who falls asleep when I am trying to teach her.  I am working on her though.  Oh, another whine.  Sorry.  I LOVE MY STUDENTS!

4)  Sunshine and heat.  This is a kind of feature that does not come around much in the Vancouver summers.  I wish I had time to get to the beach, but I am still loving it.  I am going to go on the seawall with my parents tonight.

5)  The Grouse Grind.  I know most of you think I am crazy, but the Grind is fabulous once you get to the top, and really very beautiful in places along the trail.  I went with my mum today (in the heat of the day, which was a mistake) so we went slowly.  I got to look around a lot and we chatted with many different people who were climbing the Grind (mostly tourists).  I am going again on Thursday and Saturday.  Anyone want to come?

6)  My kitty.  She is so cute.  As she gets older, she is getting more and more vocal.  Usually, we have no idea what she wants, but I think it's often a comfy lap to perch on, or someone to sit with her (she usually comes to sit with us when we are outside on the swing).

7)  Books.  I am still reading "The Historian" right now and I am enjoying it SO MUCH.  What a great book.  I also hope to review HP6 in time for HP7.  Please remember you all that I will be reading HP7 aloud to my younger brother (it's a tradition) so I won't be able to discuss the contents for a while.  DO NOT TELL ME WHO DIES!  But eee!  Excited!

8)  My friends.  So many of you and I enjoy being with you all so much.  I always feel bad that I don't get to see most of you as much as I would like, but knowing you are there and knowing how awesome you are is a very comforting thing.  Thanks for being super.

9)  Games.  I am getting totally obsessed with Carcassonne.  It's too bad I don't have people around much that can play with me.  I do love it, though and hope for more gamings very soon!

10)  My family.  I feel really very lucky that I get along so well with my parents.  We have great chats and they are always very wise when I need advice.  This is not to say that they never nag me (they do) but they are also awesome as well.  My brother is downright fun to be with these days and I could not be more astonished.  Yay lil'brudder!

Do you know, I feel a lot better about things now!  It doesn't mean they aren't looming over me in a threatening manner, but with so many awesome things in my life, how could I remain grumbly?  Thanks

And everybody else, if you haven't made a post today, you are required to make one in a Top Ten format.  Go.

friends, family, teaching, viols, books, cat

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