(no subject)

Nov 20, 2007 19:00

 1. So yeah, who is your favorite Renaissance artist?
Leonardo da vinci!

2. Did the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have any influence on your answer to Question #1?
Maybe... >_>

3. Assuming that you have learned about history, and the purpose of learing history is so that we dont repeat things, have YOU ever repeated history and lived to regret it?
Oh without a doubt.  For instance me and Peanut Butter sandwhiches.  I'm pretty darn alergic to Peanut Butter but for the longest time I just kept eating them anyhow, It got to the point where my parents had to hide the peanutbutter jars from me.  Course eventually I got so good aft finding them that they just stopped buying them in general so I've been clear of peanut butter sandwhiches for over a year now.

4. Does everything that happens in Vegas really stay in Vegas?
Yup.  You can ask my missing spleen Yohohoho!

5. Where were you on the night of the 12th?!?!?!
The 12th of what!?  November?  October?  The end of the world!?  Well I shall answer all of those!  On November I was home playing Icewindale II.  October why I was playing Pokemon Cards.  The end of the world?  Why I shall be tap dancing on the edge of my grave Yohohoho!!!

6. Have you ever got any interesting or scandelous nicknames put on you from your enemie- *cough* I mean your friends?
Hmm well I had these stupid neighbors who called me nature boy because I had gone outside barefoot.  After that they then decided to beat me up and pants me.  Those punkish ba *ahem* brats.  (I just don't really know what the foul language limit on this site is)

7. On the flipside, have you bestowed any of the people you know with nicknames?
Well I used to call my friend Justin Moore, Justin Moron... but I stopped since we became better friends.

8. Do you prefer snow, rain, sleet, or fog? 
my personal favorite to be outside in is rain, to be indoors I like snow.

9. Ever laugh at someone when you saw them comically slip onto their ass on some ice? 
I laugh at me!  Yohohoho!

10. Are you good at snowball fights? 
Well after I kept being ambused by the 8th graders while I was in 4th grade I eventually got pretty decent at it... course then they countered by adding rocks to their snowballs but that's another story.

Either way,  youre not as good as me :P. 
So you think but have you ever beaten me at the pokemon DS game?  And for that matter I'm great at the card game to my friend.

11. If you could have any animal trait at all, be it a body part, an ability, a thought, etc, what would you choose? 
Oh without a doubt I would have to have flight!  My second choice being Moose antlers.

12. If you met someone who had fangs, would you be weirded out or would you not mind at all? 
I would find it so cool!

12a. for the truly daring, would you find someone with fangs kinky? Oh ho ho ho. 
It's one of the reasons I like Lum
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