The incomplete Ataru X Ukyo Log

Nov 05, 2009 19:57

Ukyo frowned, watching him run around the room like a maniac. She was indeed going to ask if he was hiding the demon, but he countered it with saying it went home. With an obvious pout, the little girl sat down on the floor, crossing her arms. "I came over here for nothing?" She said, the whine evident in her voice. She glanced around, catching him holding the poster. Without a word, she stalked right over and snatched it out of his hand, unfurling it on the ground.
"...Ew. Is that your demon?"

NOW Ataru panicked.  How the devil was once supposed to deal with a situation like a child seeing something like that!?  You're just loving every minute of this aren't you god?  Last time I ask YOU for any favors!  "Well umm you see..."  Ataru began but then thought better of it.  "It's a exorcism scroll to scare off the demon!  Clearly it's working, but I didn't want to scare you with it, it's pretty scary for someone your age usually."  Oh yeah, I'm good.

"..Oh." She folded it back up, placing it gingerly on the bedspread. "Yeah, that's scary.."
Ukyo hopped off the bed, sitting back down on the rug. "Hey!" She yelled, not caring that he was in close proximity to her. "Do you just sit in here all day, mister? My room was boring too. So I left!"
She rolled onto her back, waving her arms in the air. "And Ranchan's all grown up and on another boat and it's all wrong!"

Great... now I have to entertain her too?  This would be soooo much easier if she wern't a child.  "Well actually I do sort of just sit here most of the day talking to people online."  Ataru wasn't about to tell her the other things that he usually did.  "I have to say things went pretty downhill for me ever since I got fired from my job with y..."  Why was he even bringing that up?  She doesn't even remember it.  "Regardless, there's been a question that's always been bothering me that maybe now that you're like thi... bored you might answer for me.  What do you see in a guy like Ranma?  He's so... boring."

Ukyo rolled onto her stomach, hands under her chin. "Ranchan? He keeps beating me! I have to beat him! He's only doing it for free food, anyway..." She sighed, then stopped suddenly, hand patting a lump under the rug. Crawling on all fours she made it to the end, then slunk underneath, all the while still talking. "He's my fiance!" There was a girlish giggle. "Found it!"
She quickly scrambled back out, holding a large key in her hand.
"Whatcha hidin'?"

Ataru was at first just sort of chuckling when he saw her crawling under his carpet, she really was rather small.  Then he heard her talk about him hiding something.  "Hmm?  What do you mean?"  That's when he remembered the key.  He sat quickly upright banging his head against the wall with a loud thud.  "Owww!"  Ataru winced through the pain in the back of his head as he tried to think about what he needed to do.  Before she could come out from under the carpet he threw his blanked over the chest at the foot of his bed and he threw the body pillow under the bed.  “Uh hiding?  I’m not hiding anything?!”  Ataru said as he sat casually on the chest pretending it didn’t exist at all.”

Ukyo stormed right over to him, standing on tiptoes to reach his eye level, and even then she couldn't make it. "I'm not stupid" , she said, waving the key in front of his face. "Everyone always hides stuff under their bed!"
She whipped around and dove under the bed, much like she had the rug. The girl pulled out the body pillow, gave it a surprised look, then tossed it aside and managed to get herself completely under the bed. After a few minutes of rummaging around, she reappeared, covered in dust. "There's nothing under there." She said, disappointed.
"This had to go to something, though!"

Ataru simply face-palmed.  Why on earth had he even bothered trying to hide that thing in the first place if she simply threw it aside without a care?  She obviously wasn't very good at looking for things.  "Tell you what.  Why don't you try to find out what it goes to while I clean up this mess.  You probably shouldn't go back to your ship since it's dark which means you'll have to stay here which means I need to clean it up a little for you."  Ataru said as he put the Body pillow, hentai, nude posters and other things into his cupboard first thinking that he might be able to have her use the highlighters or other things she pulled out to entertain her with if need be.

A smile spread across her face. "Okay!" The little girl raced to the small closet, pulling things off the floor and generally making the mess worse. She crawled back under the rug at one point, patting the floor for hidden doors. Deciding that was boring, Ukyo moved back to the cabinet, pulling the drawers themselves out and shoving them back in an attempt to make a door magically appear. Her last spot to look was of course the foot of the bed, and she whipped the blanket off, grinning as the key clicked in the lock.
"I got it!" She cried, lifting the lid. .."Candy?"

Ataru was rather alarmed by the things that got tossed everywhere after he had just finished cleaning some of the things she had messed up.  But what was worse was when he heard the soft click of a lock.  Ataru you block-head!  You should have known that even a child could have found that... wait... "Candy?" Ataru asked aloud.  Ataru was practically hugging himself at his own brilliance.  He then remembered that he had gotten a giant cache of candy to cover up his true treasure just in case something like this happened.  Although he had to admit candy was one of the most stupid choices he'd ever chose... but then again since he was dealing with a child it was almost ideal.  "Avast!  You've discovered the great pirate Ataru's secret hidden treasure!"

Ukyo giggled. "You made it too easy to find!" She reached over the lip of the trunk in an attempt to reach the candy inside. Unfortunately her once-large spatula was now twice as large on her, and its weight caused her to topple into the trunk itself, the impact causing the lid to shut as she hit the bottom.  The little girl let out a yelp, unable to lift the heavy lid. After a second she was quiet mysteriously quiet, and objects moving around inside could be heard.
"Mr. Ataru! Lookit what I found!" Came her muffled yell.

At this point Ataru was half tempted to leave her in the chest since she was silly enough to keep her spatula on but that was when he heard those muffled little words.  She couldn't have... she didn't!  Oh crap!  Ataru quickly flung the chest open pulled Ukyo out as fast as he could and snatched his photo album from her as quickly as he possibly could.  "I umm... wonder how that got in there!"  Ataru said ruffling a hand through his hair nervously and unfortunately he hadn't realized he was holding his photo album was upside down and several pictures spilled on the floor.  There were a bunch of pictures that fell on the floor, but all of them were of the same girl with a giant spatula cooking okonomiyaki.

Ukyo was suddenly on the rug again, scooping up the pictures he'd dropped. She looked at them for a long moment, then held them out to him. "The lady looks like me." She said, waving them at him. Her attempt to wave them in his face was a failure as she only came up to his thighs in height. "Except she's fat."
Ukyo looked at them again, this time deciding to hold onto them. "Who is it?"

Ataru's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets at the sight of Ukyo waving the pictures of herself... and yet not entirely recognizing herself.  "Hey give those back!"  Ataru said but then changed his mind on the idea of chasing her for them and sat on the floor with his album putting back some of the one's she didn't pick up.  "She's... a girl I really like." Ataru admitted grudgingly to the little child who only a week or so ago was that very girl.  "Unfortunately I don't think she really likes me much at all, no matter what I try to do... I just can't seem to figure out what she wants fro..."  Then a brilliant idea slowly occurred to Ataru.  What was the best way to find out something?  Go to the source!  Especially if that source is a child who doesn't know who you're even talking about!  "Hey Ukyo?  What would you like most in a guy?"

Ukyo sat down right next to him, handing him pictures as he put them back in the book. "You're weird." She said, leaning her head on his side. "I like Ranchan. He's my fiance. And he keeps beating me in fights. I wanna beat him. And he's nice and plays with me...'Course this Ranchan is all grown up and weird." A yawn escaped her mouth, and she leaned all her little kid weight against him. After a few moments she was asleep, snoring lightly against his shoulder.

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