"If it's stupid here...it's probably still stupid in London."

Mar 03, 2009 06:59

So this is my attempt to NOT write my scene design paper right now. I really should be trying to write it. But you know there really is nothing to say when you have to start a paper like this:

"When designing a set, there is always a play where the scenery needs to have more function that form. It’s not that the over-arching concept can’t show though, and it’s not that the designer is being lazy. There are just some plays where the simplicity and functionality of the set pieces needs to be stressed more than specific conceptual detail. Trojan Women was a perfect example of such a play."

But even Steve, our teacher, said he knew there was nothing to write about and shortened the page requirement. I just really don't want to talk about the set this time.

In any case, we had our last meeting before we leave for London! I am so excited. We shared our ideas on where to go and what to do. People have awesome ideas and I CANNOT WAIT! Someone mentioned Speaker's Corner and I am silly excited to see people talking about whatever on their own little soap boxes. It still seems surreal that we're leaving on Thursday. What's also awesome is that my two classes on Friday I thought I was going to have to miss are canceled! There are definite advantages to having teachers who are grad students. Especially grad students who are leaving for a conference Thursday night.

On a completely unrelated note. My sewing machine is getting used more for Elsewhere shows than I am using it myself. Becky used it to sew a backdrop for Boy Gets Girl and now Erin borrowed it to make a banner for Five Flights (which I am crazy excited to see by the way). Just amusing I guess.


London Skyline by Samuel Durkin
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