What does it all mean?

Nov 21, 2004 16:11

This is where I'm going to keep my deepest, most profound thoughts and dreams. The things that I dwell on and ponder for hours at a time are going to be spelled out for you here. You are going to be privy to these workings and I expect that you will read them with the most open of minds and the most loving of hearts. Please keep this information private. If I wanted to world to know these ideas, I would have put them where the world could read them. I will start now...

All old barns should be painted red. Red is the best color for old barns.

Wow. I've thought about it for a long time but have never written it out like that. It's kind of exhilarating.

Stay tuned, I will share more of my soul with you in the days to come.
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