Cool, cool.

Jul 21, 2005 17:38

I just realized this morning that today is my last workday of the week. Bitchin. Totally bitchin.
Last night, when I got out of work, I went to the gym. *thank you, thank you* I'm totally ready to lose weight. I ordered Core Secrets and have been doing it since Monday and it seems to be an OK workout. I'll let you know if I see any differences. If you see me outside the gym, ask my why I'm not at the gym. Seriously. If I don't give you a good answer, slap me across the face, strap me to your bumper and drop me off at the gym. Make me pay you gas money. Seriously.

When I try and think about things to write in here, I realize how boring my life really is. Get up, go to class, go to work, get slapped in the face, get dropped of at the gym, go home. Lame. I have nothing cool to write about.

I can't fucking stop coughing!

That is all.
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