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Arthur (Inception) - Werewolf domsconsigliere August 7 2011, 23:19:44 UTC
10 createsthedream August 8 2011, 04:30:47 UTC
[Ariadne is sitting crosslegged on the floor, pulling up a maze that she'd drawn. Hearing the door open her head shoots up. No one had a way into her home. She didn't give the key to... or maybe she did. Just didn't remember doing so.]


domsconsigliere August 8 2011, 05:05:45 UTC
She had, as a point of fact, but it had been some time ago, and one of those 'in case of emergency' kinds of things.

This wasn't, strictly speaking, an emergency, but it was something that could easily become one, and honestly Arthur hadn't been expecting her to be home.


createsthedream August 8 2011, 05:45:57 UTC
When she does realize who it is a sigh of relief escapes her. Then she remembers why in the hell he has a key to her home.



domsconsigliere August 8 2011, 13:55:01 UTC
Dammit, she wasn't supposed to be home, "Yeah." He said, trying not to sound as wavery as he felt, he was going to have to get that bullet out, and soon, "Came by to borrow your first aid kit." The army surplus medical box he'd left there for her as a just in case.


createsthedream August 8 2011, 22:43:55 UTC
Well that was too bad since she was home. "It's under the kitchen sink." Right where he'd left it when he brought it the first time. Hell she's even gone out of her way to keep it nice and stocked up. "What's wrong, Arthur?"


domsconsigliere August 9 2011, 01:09:23 UTC
"Got shot at." He replied, headed for the kitchen, already peeling out of his shirt, he knew he was safe here, and that the worst case was, hopefully, that she'd think it was just a bad gunshot wound, but Christ his whole arm already ached. Silver wouldn't kill him when he was human, but it still hurt like a sonofabitch.


createsthedream August 9 2011, 01:56:35 UTC
"By who?" That worried tone was in her voice even as she stands moving over toward her kitchen. "Can I do anything?" Other than feel utterly helpless. Something that her species wasn't. This was Arthur though and he never made her feel that way to begin with.


domsconsigliere August 9 2011, 04:46:20 UTC
He decided not to answer the first question in favor of answering the second, already pulling everything he'd need out of the kit, "Get a bowl, a towel you don't mind getting bloody and a bag of ice."

He was going to have to dig it out himself, he knew, and was glad that he'd thought to put tweezers for just that purpose into the kit.


createsthedream August 10 2011, 01:45:41 UTC
Him not answering the first question just worried her that much more. Shaking her head she moves to the closet grabbing an old towel bringing it out into the kitchen. After doing that she grabs a bowl, two in fact; one filled with hot water and the other not at all, and a bag of ice.

"Now what?"


domsconsigliere August 10 2011, 01:49:33 UTC
He was definitely pale, and maybe just a little paler than he usually got at the prospect of having to perform minor surgery on himself, but he'd dragged a chair over to the side of the table with the best light, "As soon as I get the bullet out, you're going to press down with the towel, and hold it there while I get the ice and ..." He grimaced, realizing that the injury was to his dominant arm, "And you're going to have to stitch it up."


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