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Cameron Hummel | Glee AU | Nymph betterhummel August 7 2011, 20:53:26 UTC
9 alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 14:23:45 UTC
[Blaine peered over at the Nymph as he sat by the water, his long white wings branching out of his shoulders. He was shirtless, since it was nearly impossible to wear a shirt with wings. Trust me. He tried. He had a small secret smile on his lips as he tilted his head at Cameron] Hello.


<3 betterhummel August 8 2011, 14:37:08 UTC
[ Cameron turns, moving forward with a soft, pleased smirk. His eyes move over the angel's torso before he bites his lip, stepping forward. He's not exactly wearing much clothing himself; essentially naked, a shift of fabric wrapped around his hips. ] Hello.


How could I not? Really? alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 14:58:21 UTC
[He rested up against a tree with a smirk on his face, his wings twitching slightly as he ran his eyes over that near naked body before his brown eyes met Cameron's]

You are truly more one of the more beautiful creatures I have ever seen on this world.


I heartily approve <3 betterhummel August 8 2011, 15:07:59 UTC
[ He moves to sit, stretching out and leaning back to smirk, obviously prideful. ]

Thank you. [ He licks over his lips, his own eyes returning the gaze. ] You're not foul to the eyes.


Re: I heartily approve <3 alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 15:12:18 UTC
[Pride was one of the sins, wasn't it? Blaine was only wearing a black loin cloth himself. Angels rarely cared about nudity, after all. His wings shivered slightly at that compliment as he sat forward, his hair wild and curly as he smirked at his words]

Well, Angels are the creators finest creations. So I should hope not.


betterhummel August 8 2011, 15:21:40 UTC
[ He bite shis lips, his smirk turning into a soft, gentle smile. ]

Finest, but not always the most beautiful. You appear to be an exception.


alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 15:26:11 UTC
[His wings fluttered at that, his head tilting as he ran his eyes over Cameron's body]

Many thanks Nymph. I can see how many of your kind as lead us to temptation.That's quite garment your wearing.


betterhummel August 8 2011, 15:29:39 UTC
[ He lays back, stretching his body out as he smirks. Leading others into temptation is part of what he does, and he feels as though this could be a challenge. ]

My thanks. [ He lifts his shoulder in a shrug, the movement of his legs drawing the tiny scrap of fabric higher. ] I do not lead into temptation; I merely unlock desires that are latent.


alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 15:32:17 UTC
[The Angel's eyes flickered to that fabric inching higher. That was really just not fair. His wings stretched out a little for a moment as he licked his lips and his eyes flicked back to Cameron's eyes]

Are those things not the same thing, my pretty Nymph? [He said with a tilt of his head, his black curls falling in front of his bright eyes for a moment]


betterhummel August 8 2011, 15:37:58 UTC
[ He hums, eyes roaming up and down before he shrugs again. ]

No. For me to lead you into temptation one would expect me to be in the wrong; for you to not desire what I might offer. Unlocking desires is nothing more than drawing out what is already there.


alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 15:41:40 UTC
I see.

[He said as he relaxed against the tree gently. His wings wrapping around his shoulders slightly as he peered at the other boy. This time, he uncrossed his long legs. A certain something became more evident against the thin fabric of his loin cloth]

How many creatures had fallen for your.."drawing out" then?


betterhummel August 8 2011, 15:53:55 UTC
[ He licks his lips again, turning around to face the angel properly. He grins, tilting his head. He's curious, and he notes the shift of his cloth with interest. ]

Some, in my time. I take pleasure in it, and I do it when creatures come upon me.


alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 15:59:15 UTC
All creatures take pleasure in...that aspect of life. I guess it's just more enjoyable with your kind. Not that I know. Of course.

[He said with a tilt of his head. It's true. This Angel never had chosen a Nymphs to take to bed. His eyes flicked back to that "fabric" around Cameron's hips before back to his eyes]


betterhummel August 8 2011, 16:03:17 UTC
[ He stands, finally, stretching out before he moves closer to the angel. He has no shame, really; he takes great pleasure in letting his eyes roam the other's body. ]

It is more enjoyable. It is what we have come to be most talented at. [ He steps closer, letting his arms rest by his side. ] Of course you do not know. Have you never wished to learn?


alwayshistwin August 8 2011, 16:09:11 UTC
[Blaine just smiles at the feel of the other creatures eyes all over his body. He was use to it. Many creatures wished to bed an Angel. They rarely ever took lovers. And when they did, it was normally humans.]

I have heard the stories as much as everyone has. [He said with a tilt of his head at the other creature] Learn how it feels to take a nymph as a lover?


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