Personal WIP Amnesty

Aug 17, 2008 21:36

Hi! Where did the summer go? The kids will be back in school next week and it feels like they just got out. *sigh* I think it's just proof of me getting old when time goes by so fast. :)

So instead of the roughly 6 bajillion things I should be doing right now, I'm declaring a personal WIP Amnesty. I had good intentions, really. And perhaps, in some parallel universe, they might get finished, but I'm a bad fangirl, and despite owning all seasons, I haven't watched an episode in forever. I don't see getting into the groove of it anytime in the foreseeable future, but never say never. ;P So I'm purging the memory banks for your enjoyment or not.

1. The one where Justin smokes pot for the first time
I had high (no pun intended) hopes for this one. But the sex part is supposed to happen next, and that tends to trip me up. Takes place very early in season 1.

Justin’s heart and head are racing again and he’s momentarily struck dumb, in every sense of the word. He was not prepared for this question; he and his dick were focused on other activities he hoped would take place once he was back in the loft again. Just being back in Brian’s presence, let alone loft, was enough to fluster him, and now this. He’s not sure how much time has passed when Brian reposes the question.

“Have you ever smoked pot Justin?”


Brian bites his lower lip and raises one eyebrow; Justin thinks he looks hot when he does that. So far just about everything Brian does is hot. “Let’s skip the lying part this time, shall we?”

Justin exhales sharply, “Not really.”

Brian laughs and shakes his head, “Is that something like being a little bit pregnant?”


“Either you have of you haven’t. Which is it?”

“Well, I tried to, at this party, at Brad Donahue’s house. Daphne was totally freaking out! But, I don’t think it worked…or I didn’t do it right…I mean I didn’t feel any different.”

“No surprise there. I’m sure your little prep school friends wouldn’t know good weed if it bit them in the ass.” Brian walks over to the couch, followed by Justin who couldn’t take standing around looking like an idiot anymore. Brian smiles at Justin, “And I’ll be able to sleep better at night knowing I wasn’t the first one to corrupt you. At least about this,” Brian’s smile turned wolfish.

Justin nervously chuckles as Brian leans over to kiss him. Justin loves every moment of it, but it just sends the buzz from his head down to his dick, and he worries that he might need his wits about him right now. Just say No. Pass on Grass. Justin realizes Brian has stopped kissing him, and wonders, briefly, when exactly he turned into a twelve year old girl.

Brian digs his Zippo out of his pocket and reaches over to the coffee table and removed the lid from the small silver box there. Brian remembers how much fun it was when he got Mikey high for the first time. He’s sure this will be more rewarding. He puts the joint in his lips and flips the lid open on the lighter. Just as Brian’s about to flick the thumbwheel he glances over at Justin, who he realizes is a shade paler than when they got here, and looks like he might puke, or run, or both. “Um, Justin, you ok?” The kid snaps back to life for a second and Brian watches his adam’s apple travel slowly up and down his throat.

Justin tries, desperately, to look cool. His brain is telling him to say “yep”, but it gets stuck in his suddenly dry throat and the ‘p’ sound is all that is audible. Justin wishes he could become invisible, instead he settles for frozen. This is NOT going how he’d hoped.

Brian takes the joint from his lips and puts his free hand on the back of Justin’s neck. He rubs his fingers up and down for a few moments, “Hey, have I made you do anything you didn’t want to do yet?”


“Hasn’t everything been fun and felt good?”

“Yes,” Justin’s face brightens and his color comes back a little.

“Alright. Here’s the abridged version of the ‘Brian Kinney Guide to Illegal Substances’. Number one, NEVER take drugs from people you don’t know. Number two, never do anything you don’t want to do. And, number three, know your limitations. Follow those rules and you should be golden.” Brian sees Justin take a deep breath. “Now, that being said, you shouldn’t make decisions based on the scare tactics of your so-called authority figures either. Trust your instincts. Make decisions for yourself.”

Justin smiles then chuckles, “One could argue that you’re trying to creatively coerce me right now.” Brian’s eyebrow goes up and Justin’s stomach flips.

“One could. However, it’s no skin off my nose if you do or you don’t.” Brian sighs for effect, “Are we done with the debate portion of the evening? Do it. Don’t do it. I don’t care, but I’d like to get on with it.” Justin’s smile widens.

“Okay. Debate portion over.”

“So do you want to or not?”

“Maybe…just a little. Just to say I’ve done it.”

Brian smiles and lights the joint. He takes a long toke and holds it. As he exhales he passes it to Justin, who takes it and just stares for a few moments. “Much like cock, it works better if you put it in your mouth.” Justin wants to laugh, but he also doesn’t want to look any dumber than he’s already managed this evening, so he puts the joint between his lips.

“Take a drag off it, like you would a cigarette, but hold the smoke in as long as you can.” Justin attempts to follow these directions but the smoke burns his throat and he starts sputtering and hacking.

“God! That hurts!” Justin shouts. He notices Brian trying to hide his smile.
“You’ll get used to it,” Brian assures him as he takes the joint back, easily takes another hit and passes it back to Justin just as he’s caught his breath. Justin wonders if this is actually worth it, but decides he should at least give another try. He takes a drag, and it still burns a little, but he is able to hold the sweet smelling smoke in for a few seconds, before exhaling with a few coughs.

Brian grins as he takes the joint back, “See, you’ll be an expert in no time.”


Brian takes the last hit off the joint, careful not to burn his fingers and disposes of what little remains in the ashtray. He looks over at Justin, who clearly has mellowed nicely since the beginning of the evening. He is slouched over on the couch and smiling with his eyes closed. “You alright there, Sunshine?”

“I can’t feel my feet,” Justin laughs.


”My feet. They’re all tingly. Do you have any Ding Dongs?”

...what a lousy place to end that...

2. The one where Brian is in Chicago.
I didn't get very far on this one. It was inspired by quinn222's Correspondence, where Brian is in Chicago and sends Justin a toy from the Toymaker 3000 exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry. I think she requested fics based off the series for Christmas. Again good intentions that fell short on my part. I really LOVED this idea too, being a Chicagoland gal and MSI is a favorite of mine.

The marketing director sees Cynthia and I into the hallway. We exchange the usual ‘pleasure meeting you/look forward to hearing from you’ bullshit pleasantries as we shake hands. The doughy exec urges us to stay and have a look around and produces two maps. He thanks us again and shuffles back to the meeting room.

“Great job Brian.”

”As usual,” I catch her rolling her eyes at me.

“I really think your modesty is what I love most about you.”

I put on my best brave face, “It’s hard to be the best, but someone’s got to do it,” I sigh. A whack with the map is her reply.

While we walk the sounds of people grow and suddenly we’re surrounded. Cynthia’s been studying her map as we go and decides, “I’ve got to see the Fairy Castle!”

“Sorry, only Emmett’s that gay.” Another whack. “Alright! You don’t need to get abusive. You go look at fairies and I’ll go look at whatever else and we’ll meet back at The Drake later.”

“Works for me! Later.” She disappears into the crowd. I quickly study the map and look around to get my bearings. After scanning the throngs I realize I stick out like a sore thumb. I really don’t fit into the ‘mom-with-stroller’ or ‘active-senior’ profile. They really should give me this account; they need a classier clientele. I quickly head to the nearest staircase to check out upstairs offerings.

Even the staircase has exhibits; the prominent feature in this one being a large pendulum.

...Brian was going to go upstairs and look at the trains next...

3. The one where Brian and Justin almost do it raw.
I really wish I could have pulled this one off. The idea being that Brian gets a little carried away, and well, slips a little. I know that's out of character for Brian, especially where Justin's concerned so I set it just after 314 thinking this was the most likely time for Brian to not be acting like Brian. I had a pretty good set up until I got to,you guessed it, the sex! I'm such a tease...

This is pretty fucking weird; unemployed and happy about it. Well maybe happy is the wrong word, that might be the weed talking. Pleased. Proud. Weird. I haven’t had a proper vacation since college, so I decided the first order of business was to enjoy myself a little. Which is why I find myself, lounging on the few pillows I can claim as furniture, in my pajama pants, smoking the last of the good stuff. It’s sure to piss Justin off when he gets home from the diner.

Although pissed might be a nice change for him. Maybe he’d stop looking at my like I’ve lost my fucking mind, or quit freaking out for a few moments. He’s convinced any minute now we’ll have to pack our bags and go crash at his mom’s, even though I’ve assured him it’s not that desperate, yet. I’m more fed up with the worried, lip-bitten looks I’ve been getting. Or the whispered phone conversations with Daphne that keep ending with, “I really think he’s flipping out.” It just feels good to not have so much responsibility for a while; makes me feel young again. A concept that would be lost on Justin, because if he felt any younger, we’d be hanging out at Chuck E. Cheese instead of Woody’s.

Even though it looks like I’m just lying around, smoking, I am really making plans for my next move. Truth be told, even the waiting is part of my plan. Making the big boys wonder what my next move will be is sure to whet their appetites. Justin should know by now that I, almost always, have a plan. Yet, I can tell by the look on his face when he comes in from work that he still hasn’t learned.

“I see you’ve made it out of the bedroom today. Big progress,” he says while he rests his messenger bag against the support beam.

“Come join me. I saved you some,” I attempt to entice him by wiggling what’s left of the joint above my head.

“Sorry. The laundry’s not gonna do itself you know.”

“Just give me a few minutes. You won’t be sorry.”

“A few minutes? You can do better than that,” he tosses over his shoulder on his way to the bedroom.

I get up from the pillows, “Is that a challenge?”

His voice muffled from digging through the hamper, “No Brian, I just really have to get the laundry done!” I’m right behind him when he turns around with an armful of shirts. “Brian!” I startled him.

I grab the shirts and toss them on the floor, “Fuck the laundry.”

“That would be new, even for you,” he laughs. I hook my finger in the waistband of his pants.

“Not exactly what I had in mind,” I open the button and slid down the zipper.

“But, I really have to…ahh…fuck!” He finally shuts up as I swallow him to the hilt. I alternate between licking and sucking in a slow and tortuous manner. He fights it at first if only on principle, but I’m winning the battle. I always do.

He’s fully hard now as I tease his slit with my tongue and then make fat wet stripes up and down the shaft. He’s close, but this is nowhere near over. I stop and he groans a little but I quickly maneuver him over to the bed and press him down on it. I slid his pants the rest of the way off and lick my way back up to his dick. A few quick laps, then I start moving lower leaving a trail of saliva in my wake.


4. The one with the High School Reunion. AKA The one that never got written.

Well, some of it got written, long hand. I can't find all the pieces right now either. I really thought this was a great idea too. It had Justin convincing Brian to go so they could have sex there, Mikey & Brian sneaking off to the Chemistry Lab and Justin and Ben bonding. I wanted it to be this massive piece d'resistance; instead it is bupkis. If I find the pieces I will post it some day. :)

And that, truly, is all she wrote.
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